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General information

Important information about studying at the Department of Information Management:

Faculty of Information Management was established in 2003 and conducts engineering and complementary master's degree programs in information management.

Students majoring in information management learn how to apply various types of IT tools that effectively support management and become proficient in the use of information systems in modern enterprises. 

During the course of study, students acquire a broad knowledge of management, economics and information technology. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of skills concerning the efficient organization of an enterprise, competent project management and solving various problems concerning the functioning of an organization (requiring both "hard" and "soft" competencies).

What distinguishes Information Management at PJAIT?

Is information management field of study for me?

field of study Information management is an ideal choice for those interested in combining knowledge of business, technology and data analysis. Students in this degree program gain the necessary skills to effectively collect, process and use information to support strategic decisions in various areas of business. The information management curriculum focuses on both technical and business aspects, preparing graduates for the challenges of today's job market.

Information management - the field of tomorrow.

Information management is a key element for success in today's business world, where the amount of available data is constantly growing. field of study This course enables students to develop the skills necessary to effectively manage this data, using the latest information tools and technologies. Information management graduates are sought after by a wide variety of organizations that need experts in data analysis and optimization of information processes for business success.

What is the difference between information management and information technology?

Information management is strictly a practical, IT field of study. The information management degree program is distinguished by additional management, analysis and communication components. Most of the subjects of information management are IT subjects (about 60% at Bachelor's degree and 80% at the second degree program), the rest are subjects that broaden managerial competencies, approximating team and IT project management skills valued in modern companies.

Authorities of the Department of Information Management

Dr. Margaret Cieciora,
professor PJAIT

Vice Dean
M.Sc. Piotr Gago

Vice Dean
M.Sc. Rafal Muniak

Chairs of the Faculty of Information Management

The Faculty of Information Management has the following departments:

Name of the cathedralDepartment head
Economics and ManagementMalgorzata Cieciora, PhD, prof. of PJAIT
Programming MethodsKrzysztof Barteczko, PhD, prof. of PJAIT
Organization of Information ProcessesProf. dr hab. Eng. Marcin Sikorski

What after graduation?

Information management graduates are employed in companies as managers (especially IT project managers, process/product engineers) and as specialists participating in the design and implementation of management information systems. They are very well prepared to work in both manufacturing and commercial enterprises, as well as in financial institutions and administration - wherever the results of the organization's functioning depend on the effective use of information and on the high competence of the people who analyze and process this information. 

In addition, graduates of a second degree in information management are competent to work as a software architect, cloud solutions architect, software tester or business analyst.

What's more, information management graduates are also prepared to run their own businesses and manage projects, particularly using the Scrum methodology.

What's more?

In addition to the curriculum, PJAIT organizes workshops, training courses and additional activities that expand the knowledge of students of the Department of Information Management. Thanks to cooperation with business, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology is able to offer courses year after year that make the curriculum more attractive and keep students' knowledge up-to-date with the demands of the labor market.

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