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PJAIT Student Council


Office of Local Government
ul. Koszykowa 86, room B243
02-008 Warsaw



What's happening in Local Government....

About us

Student Council is made up of all students at our University - including you! It is the sole statutory representative of our affairs. We represent the needs of the University student community both within the University (before the University Authorities) and in the inter-University environment.

We consider social and scholarships!

That's right! We are the ones who review your scholarship applications. The University Scholarship Committee (UKS) has 7 students as members, while the University Scholarship Appeals Committee (UOKS) consists of 3 students. An administrative staff member also sits on both bodies, providing an advisory voice to those on the committee.

We always try to process applications in the best interest of the students!

We represent your interests!

The University consists of many organizational units, and not all of our comments are always recognized. Our task, as a liaison between the student community and the University Authorities, is to discuss the issues you raise with those responsible for the operation of the University.

In addition, we represent students at PJAIT in bodies such as the University Senate and Faculty Councils (including program committees, established within the faculties).

We adapt cultural life!

We actively participate in events held on the campus of our University, as well as organize our own!

If you enjoy the social life, you are sure to find yourself at events such as the Groundbreaking or Midwinter organized by our Student Government. This is a great opportunity to integrate together, celebrate minor and major student successes or warm up on the dance floor before the next challenges we will take on. :-)

We are the link of all students in Poland!

As a Local Government, we often cooperate with representations of other student governments, both in Warsaw and nationwide. We belong to the Agreement of Capital Non-Public Universities (SUN) and the Forum of Non-Public Universities (FUN).

Both groupings bring together student governments of non-public universities, where SUN operates within Warsaw universities, while FUN is nationwide in scope.

The Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland (PSRP), in turn, is made up of all students studying in the Republic of Poland, including us! :-)

Bodies of self-government

Student Council make up all the students at the University - that's a bit much. That's why we operate through the Student Government bodies. Each of them has its own peculiarities. Some can be joined as a result of general elections, but there are also those to which the central legislative body decides on delegates (e.g., representation of the Local Government in the bodies of the University).

Throughout the year, you can apply to Student Council committees, which are responsible for organizing cultural events, working with foreign students or promoting our activities.

Bodies of self-government at the university level

University Council of Student Government

The Academic Council of the Student Government is the legislative body at the University level. It is its responsibility to give opinions and express positions on the lives of all students at Our University. The body's decisions are expressed in the form of resolutions, while its meetings are held once a month and are open to the public. Every person belonging to the academic community has the opportunity to participate in these meetings.

Composition of the University Council of the Student Government:

1) Browarski, Łukasz
2) Gęborys, Łukasz
3) Herman, Sonia
4) Jagodziński, Filip
5) Jaworek, Agata
6) Kotula, Mateusz

7) Krysik, Weronika
8) Marusik, Lena
9) Michalska, Klaudia
10) Opiłowski, Rafał
11) Orzyłowski, Michał
12) Rutkowski, Piotr

Meeting Calendar:

  • October 15, 2023 - regular meeting (remote)
  • November 15, 2023 - regular meeting (remote)
  • December 15, 2023 - regular meeting (remote)
  • January 15, 2024 - regular meeting (remote)
  • February 15, 2024 - regular meeting (remote)
  • March 15, 2024 - regular meeting (remote)
  • April 15, 2024 - regular meeting (remote)
  • May 15, 2024 - regular meeting (remote)
  • June 15, 2024 - regular meeting (remote)
Board of Directors of the University Council of Student Government

The Executive Board of the University Council of the Student Government is the executive body at the University level. This body is responsible for dealing with student affairs such as cultural events, legal and social support, promotion of student activities, external or international cooperation. The Board meets weekly in closed sessions.

Composition of the Board of Directors of the University Student Government Council:

  • Michal Orzylowski - President of the Student Government.
  • Mikolaj Piolun-Noyszewski - Vice President of the Student Government; Member of the Board for Diplomacy.
  • Łukasz Browarski - Secretary of the Student Government.
  • Filip Jagodzinski - Board member for administrative affairs.
  • Łukasz Gęborys - Board member for legal and social affairs
  • Maciej Pastor - Board member for foreign affairs.
  • Rafał Opiłowski - Board Representative for digitization
  • Klaudia Michalska - Board member for promotional affairs
  • Piotr Rutkowski - Board member for cultural affairs
  • Zuzanna Jablonska - Member of the Board of Directors for Finance.

Plenipotentiaries and attorneys of the Board of Directors of the University Student Government Council:

  • Mateusz Kotula - Board representative for student activation
  • Hubert Wozniak - Board Representative for Cooperation.
President of the Student Government

The President of the Student Government is responsible for representing the Student Government as a whole both inside and outside the University. He directs the work of the Board of the University Student Government Council.

Student Government President: Michal Orzylowski

The Faculty Student Government Council is the legislative body at the Faculty level. It is the body's responsibility to give opinions and express positions on the lives of all those studying at a particular Faculty, at our University. Decisions of the body are expressed in the form of resolutions.

Faculty Student Government Councils

Faculty of Computer Science

Chairman: Nikolai Piolun-Noyszewski

Members: Zofia Januszewicz, Adrian Budzich, Soffia Durytska, Łukasz Gęborys, Lena Marusik, Rafał Opiłowski, Michał Orzyłowski, Piotr Rutkowski, Michał Woliński, Rafał Sakiewicz

Faculty of Information Management

Chairperson: Veronika Krysik

Members: Filip Jagodzinski, Agata Jaworek, Jagoda Bartosiewicz, Lukasz Browarski, Amelia Kaminska, Illia Kohut, Karol Krzymkowski

Faculty of New Media Arts

Chairperson: Klaudia Michalska

Members: Sonia Herman, Valeria Leonava, Olha Lysenko, Alexander Poslowski, Veronika Slaska

Faculty of Culture of Japan


Member persons:


Student Government committees support the President and the Board of Directors of the University Student Government Council and focus on undertaking cultural events, handling scholarship matters or fulfilling the promotional needs of the Student Government. This is a good place to start your adventure in Student Government, as you can apply at any time - even during the vacations!

Cultural Affairs Committee

The Cultural Affairs Committee is responsible for adapting cultural life for those studying at our University. This is carried out in many different ways. Starting with the organization of a club event, ending with multi-day ski trips! The Cultural Affairs Committee is a great place for people who like dynamism, creating new ideas for student activism and who like to cooperate with others.

Promotion Committee

The promotion committee has always been a field of people studying at the Department of New Media Arts (however, any student is welcome here!). The promotion committee team is responsible for our social media, designing graphics, developing our corporate identity, creating great ideas for local government gadgets. If you like to do the impossible and unprecedented, this committee will work great for you!

Cooperation Commission

The cooperation committee brings together expert people in getting along with people, negotiating and doing research. It is this team that is responsible for obtaining collaborations, behind which are discounts for people studying at our University or supplies at events organized by the cultural affairs committee. If you have a head full of ideas in whom to collaborate this committee will welcome you with open arms!

Delegates in the bodies of the University

As Student Council , our job is to represent student interests, and it wouldn't be so easy if it weren't for the fact that student representatives sit on the University's collegiate bodies.

University Senate

The University Senate is an important body that has a significant impact on student life. Its competencies include, among other things, setting the University's regulations, terms and conditions of enrollment, curricula, as well as the University's development strategy. The Senate is also responsible for graduation issues, the University's regulations on copyrights, and makes decisions on other important University matters. It is an important body that influences the quality of education and the development of the University. Up to four representatives representing students may be appointed to the University Senate Student Council .

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council plays an important role in academic life from the student's perspective. Its powers include, among other things, adopting a strategy for faculty development and reviewing the dean's reports on faculty activities. The Council also has a say in the creation of new majors and specializations, evaluation of the educational process, development of the student research movement, and decision-making on other important faculty matters. This is an important body that affects the quality of education and the development of the faculty. Up to four representatives representing students can be appointed to each Faculty Council Student Council .

University disciplinary committee for academic teachers

The University Disciplinary Committee for Academic Teachers is an important body responsible for maintaining discipline and ethics among academic teachers. Its composition includes five members, two of whom are students, appointed to the commission for a one-year term by Student Council. The commission is a key tool for maintaining the accountability of university teachers in accordance with the law.

Student disciplinary committee

The Student Disciplinary Committee and the Disciplinary Appeals Committee play a key role in maintaining discipline and ethics among students. The two instances of the committees are composed of two students appointed by Student Council, and their term of office is one year. These committees are crucial in the process of resolving student disciplinary cases.

University Scholarship Committee

The University Scholarship Committee, together with its appeal body, are responsible for reviewing applications for financial aid for students of the University. Importantly, this committee is composed of students and an administrative employee of the University (without voting rights in scholarship decisions). This means that scholarship decisions will always be considered with the student's best interests in mind.

Integration trips

As Student Council , we run two team-building trips during the academic year. Each of them lasts an average of 5 days.

The first is Integral - this is a summer trip, dedicated to those just beginning their adventure with our University. It is a great opportunity to get acquainted with other students at the University before classes start.

The second trip is Wintegral - this trip debuted last year and was a great success. There is nothing better than relaxing together in the mountains before the start of the next semester skiing and enjoying the thermal pools!

Integral 2023 (18.09.2023 - 22.09.2023)

Integral 2022 (26.09.2023 - 30.09.2023)

Wintegral 2024 (21.02.2024 - 25.02.2024)
Wintegral 2023 (24.02.2023 - 28.02.2023)

local government

Get in touch with us!

Instagram: @samorzadpjatk