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The first stage of study at Graphic Design at the Faculty of New Media Arts is bachelor's degree, which can be studied in two modes:


In Polish (full-time studies) - 6 semesters.

In full-time studies, classes are held Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Each semester includes 15 weeks of classes. The academic year lasts from October to the end of June and is divided into two semesters. Studies are conducted in Polish and English.

Bachelor's degree full-time They last 6 semesters. Upon completion, graduates receive a bachelor's degree in graphic design. Since the 2011/12 academic year, academy also offers the opportunity to study for a unified master's degree. The curriculum of the unified master's degree program is the same as that of the bachelor's and master's degree programs, except for the completion of the bachelor's diploma. The study full-time lasts 10 semesters. Upon completion, graduates receive a Master of Arts degree.

The study program is divided into two stages. The first three semesters include base teaching, in which students acquire general knowledge in fine arts and computer techniques. After the third semester, students choose a specialized area and deepen their knowledge of computer techniques and fine arts in accordance with their chosen area. Due to the nature of the study, most of the classes after the third semester are seminar and workshop classes in small project groups. Students complete an undergraduate project under the guidance of a supervisor, which is the basis for the degree.

Classes are held in PJAIT's computer laboratories, as well as in the art studios of the University, depending on the type of classes.

The English language course, which lasts throughout the study period, makes it possible to learn the language at an advanced level.

Students of the Faculty of New Media Arts, like all PJAIT students, can take optional classes in Japanese, German, French and Spanish.


In Polish (extramural studies) - 6 semesters.

In part-time studies, classes are held in the mode of assemblies every other weekend: Saturdays-Sundays from 08:30-21:00. Each semester includes 8 assemblies. The academic year lasts from October to the end of June and is divided into two semesters. Studies are conducted in Polish.

Bachelor's degree part-time They last 6 semesters. Upon completion, graduates receive a bachelor's degree. 

The study program is divided into two stages. The first three semesters include base teaching, in which students acquire general knowledge of visual arts and computer techniques. After the third semester, students choose a specialization - animation or visualization, a main thesis supervisor, and deepen their knowledge of computer techniques and fine arts in accordance with the chosen specialization. Due to the nature of the study, most of the classes after the third semester are seminar and workshop classes in small project groups. In the fifth semester, students complete the supervisor team with a technical supervisor and a theoretical thesis supervisor and, under their guidance, complete an undergraduate project, which is the basis for the degree.

Classes are held in computer laboratories PJAIT, as well as in the art studios of the University, depending on the type of classes.

The English language course, which lasts throughout the study period, makes it possible to learn the language at an advanced level.

Students of the Faculty of New Media Arts, like all PJAIT students, can take optional classes in Japanese, German, French and Spanish.

The curriculum provided at the Faculty of New Media Arts allows students to receive a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of both selected areas of computer technology applications and the basics of art education. Computer science subjects include elements of such fields as: basics of algorithmics, computer operation, software engineering, multimedia, creation of computer graphics and animation, three-dimensional modeling. Theoretical and practical knowledge is supplemented by practical skills acquired in computer laboratories.
In the field of visual arts, great importance is given to visual forms, so students study drawing, composition, painting, classical animation, photography and cinematographic art. They become familiar with the realization of short film forms, especially special effects made with 3D techniques and computer animation. The purpose of art subjects is to develop the student's aesthetic sensibilities, to refine the workshop in the creation of static and moving images. Special emphasis is placed on this aspect, since the image is the most essential element in both computer animation and computer games.

Studies at the Faculty of New Media Arts are interdisciplinary, combining general and specialized knowledge from the fields:

- Artistic education in the visual arts - students gain comprehensive knowledge in the visual arts. They learn the basic issues of composition, painting, drawing, artistic graphics;

- graphics - curriculum covers the basic concepts of graphic design, which in the education of students gives the concept of cognition of contemporary design language on the plane and in intermedia space. Particular emphasis is placed on familiarizing students with applications for creation and design, as well as with the principles of preparing such created images for distribution through various media channels;

- Computer science - students receive thorough theoretical and methodological knowledge and acquire practical skills in the following areas: computer operation, multimedia, website design, project organization and management, administration of management information systems, creation of user-friendly functional graphical and multimedia interfaces.

Sophomore students of graphic design will receive a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of both selected areas of computer technology applications and graphics.

The IT subjects proposed in the curriculum include elements from such fields as: graphic design multimedia, graphic design internet, multimedia presentation techniques, digital printing techniques, creation of computer animation (2D and 3D), three-dimensional modeling, music and sound in multimedia presentations, special effects. Theoretical and practical knowledge is supplemented with practical skills acquired in specialized computer laboratories.

In the field of fine arts and design in the area of graphic arts, great importance is attached to providing students with a thorough knowledge that allows them to undertake independent creative activities, so students will expand their knowledge and skills in drawing and composition, painting and expressive forms, graphic design, art printmaking, alternative design, photography, publishing graphics and advertising art.

The curriculum is based on the transmission and consolidation of knowledge of the mechanisms of visual perception occurring both in the process of creating images (all artistic activities in the field of visual communication: drawing, easel painting, graphic design artistic, graphic design computer, graphic design, digital print reproduction, multimedia techniques - film, video, animation, sound), as well as their reception by the observer, and the transfer and consolidation of knowledge of shape, depth, color, sound and movement as the material for creating images - the language of visual communication.

We put theory into practice. We put every project into practice. Discover the world of design and new technologies on a unique course.

Graphic design at PJAIT is a program based primarily on new technologies and complemented by traditional art subjects. Our students learn to create 2D and 3D animation, design computer games and interactive applications and use VR and AR technologies, in addition to typography, photography and visual communication and advertising design. As part of the studies, we provide the best graphic design software, including the Adobe Creative Cloud suite and Maya. Graphic design students co-organize and participate in numerous festivals and exhibitions of national and international scope. In classes, under the supervision of lecturers, they prepare projects and events for many Warsaw cultural institutions, including the Warsaw Uprising Museum, the Copernicus Science Center, the National Audiovisual Institute.

Faculty of New Media Arts offers education in the following fields of study:

Graphic Design

Bachelor's and master's degree, full-time and part-time

interior design

Bachelor's degree, full-time and part-time

Graphic Design and Multimedia Art

Bachelor's and master's degree, full-time (English-language studies)


Authorities of the Faculty of New Media Art

Dean of the Faculty

dr hab. Ewa Satalecka, prof. of PJAIT

Faculty vice-deans

Vice-Dean: dr hab. Andrzej Kalina, Prof. of PJAIT
Vice-Dean: Piotr Nowiński, PhD
Vice-Dean: Piotr Sieciński, MA

Dean's Office
Marta Ogrodniczuk


tel: (+48) 22 584 45 04
tel: (+48) 512 163 558
building C (rear entrance)
room no. C10
73 Nowogrodzka St.
02-006 Warszawa
Business hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00-17:00

  • dean NeMA

    Dean of the Faculty of New Media Arts

Council of the Faculty of New Media Art
  1. dr hab. E. Satalecka (Dean)
  2. dr hab. A. Kalina (Vice-dean)
  3. Dr. P. Nowinski (Vice-dean)
  4. P. Sieciński, M.A. (Vice-dean)
  5. Prof. dr hab. P. Smolnicki
  6. Prof. dr hab. P. Nowak
  7. Prof. dr hab. T. Myjak
  8. Prof. dr hab. J. Bialasiewicz
  9. Prof. dr hab. J. Knorowski
  10. Prof. dr hab. K. Szymanowicz
  11. Prof. dr hab. J. Staszewski
  12. Prof. dr hab. Z. Ras
  13. dr hab. J. Wójcik-Wróblewska
  14. dr hab. A. Wieczorkowska 
  15. dr hab. A. Klimczak
  16. dr hab. B. Szubinska-Rutkowska 
  17. dr hab. J. Walendzik-Stefańska
  18. dr hab. R. Pietrzak
  19. dr hab. R. Gubrynowicz
  20. dr hab. B. Cedrzynska
  21. dr hab. Agnieszka Ziemiszewska
  22. dr hab. Eng. K. Szklanny
  23. Dr. Eng. K. Kalinowski
  24. R. Masłyk, M.Sc.
  25. M. Ogrodniczuk (representative of the Administration). 
  26. S. Herman (student representative)
  27. K. Michalska (student representative)  

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