Changing universities?
We offer students from other universities the opportunity to begin their studies in higher semesters in all fields of study.
Students from other universities who wish to transfer during their studies to PJAIT can start their studies in a higher semester, transferring already passed courses.
NOTE: Please note that completing a certain number of semesters at your university, does not guarantee that you will start your studies from the next semester at PJAIT.
Candidates interested in transferring, must enter the transfer procedure at the beginning of recruitment, not after.

In order to transfer grades, you need to:
- provide the "Course of Study Worksheet" certified by Students' Office and a link to the syllabuses, subjects completed at the previous university (sample syllabus);
- Those who have completed other studies, instead of the "Course of Study Worksheet" can provide a Diploma Supplement;
- In addition, the candidate is required to create an account on the enrolment portal and provide the rest of the documents necessary for the recruitment process for a specific field of study.
Documents for transfer should be sent to the email of the Recruitment Department after registration for the selected field of study, at this stage please do not upload other documents to your profile.
According to the Rector's order, academy transfers subjects that have been completed in the last five years.
Only "full course credits" are transferred, i.e., if a student has only passed the exercises and has not passed the exam, which in PJAIT is mandatory, he or she must once again pass the exercises in PJAIT and pass the exam.
The transfer procedure takes several weeks.
The final decision on transfer is made by the Dean.
Interested? Get in touch with us!
Contact the Admission Office to get answers to all your questions.