Learn more about the lecturers of this workshop
Yadzia Williams
Yadzia Williams is a Senior Lecturer in The Faculty of Art, Science and Technology at Glyndwr University in North Wales. She studied Communication Design at Canterbury College of Art and has been an Educator for 45 years and now works on both the MA Art and Design and the BA Illustration and Graphic Design Programmes.
Yadzia was born in a Polish Camp in North Wales to Polish and Czech immigrants. She is an Illustrator and image-maker, interested in narrative and storytelling, working mainly through the medium of Printmaking with a passion for creating handmade books.

Ka Mochi
Ka Mochi is a Berlin-based author and illustrator. She studied economics prior to becoming an author of children’s books and illustrator. She spent years in Japan working on her art, participating in art residencies programs, exhibitions (A.I.R. artistic residence and solo and collective exhibitions in Hamamatsu city, Shibuya Art Festival at Hikarie, Tokyo Designers Week, BDFIL Festival de Bande Dessinée in Lausanne and Warsaw) as well as conducting artistic workshops at Hamamatsu Daigaku Gakuin University.
After coming back to Europe in 2018, she continues her artistic work. She is a regular contributor to Pismo magazine and many others. The book “Dzieci z Hamamatsu“, written and illustrated by her, was published by Tatarak publishing house in 2020. The book accompanied a huge exhibition held in the Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden in Warsaw and several Polish cities. Her new book „Matsuri” was published this year. Illustrations for this book are displayed in many venues in Poland, including a large-format prints open-air exhibition at the facilities of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Ka Mochi is one of the illustrators of the collaborative documentary comic „Bartoszewski”, published in 2022 by Dom Spotkań z Historią.

Johan Vandebosch
Johan Vandebosch studied Graphic Design at PXL-MAD, School of Arts in Hasselt (B). After an internship at the advertising agency Conquest Europe / Fast in Brussels, he joined the graphic design studio of the faculty of Architecture at the University of Hasselt. Johan is senior lecturer and artistic coordinator of the Graphic Design department at PXL-MAD, School of Arts in Hasselt. In 1994, he started his own graphic studio ‘ziezo’.
For over twenty years, he designed the visual communication for the cultural centre ‘De Velinx’ in his hometown Tongeren (B), which gave him the opportunity to work with national and international artists from various disciplines. He also designed the identities for numerous companies, as well as books and book covers for many publishing houses. In 2001 Johan was selected to be part of ‘Design Flanders’, an organization of the Flemish Governement that promotes contemporary, high-quality and innovative design. In 2009 he received the ‘Plantin-Moretus Prize’ for the best designed book in Flanders in the category children books. Several publications were also nominated for national prizes or selected for design exhibitions, such as ‚Cobra Power of Print’ and the ‚Belgian Art and Design Fair’. From 2014 on, he forms an artistic duo called ‘Le Prince-Évêque’ with his colleague Dr. Tom Lambeens. In 2017 they realized a permanent installation, according to The Third Paradise-concept from the wellknown Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, in the Pliniuspark in Tongeren, Belgium.

Ann Bessemans
Ann Bessemans (BE) is an award-winning graphic and type designer, working as a legibility specialist within her own founded research group READSEARCH at PXL-MAD School of Arts and Hasselt University. At the same institute she also teaches typography and type design. Ann is the program director of the international Master program ‘Reading Type & Typography’ (2016). Her researches are a contribution to legibility research and the international type (and typografphic) design.
It gives the practice of typeface (typographic) design a better scientific foundation and provides interesting data, by which type designers (typographers) can accommodate more to the wishes of the reader, both normal as well as impaired. In October 2012, she defended her PhD (Type Design for Children with Low Vision), under the supervision
of Prof. Dr. Gerard Unger. She is given multiple grants by Microsoft Advanced Reading Technologies (USA) for her innovative and pioneering projects, such as visual prosody. Ann was a finalist in the ‘New Scientist Wetenschapstalent 2015’ and the Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM2D award in 2018. In the autumn of 2017 she was invited by the Belgian King and Queen for a Palace concert in which they honoured young talents. Ann was an elected member of the Young Academy (2016–2022) and within the same organization a voted board member for the workgroup Art & Science (2017–2019). Ann was also involved in a European COST Action that studies the evolution of Reading in the age of Digitisation. Currently, she is a member of the reflection group Art, Science and Technology at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, a member of the Data Science Institute UHasselt and a member (educational committee) and lecturer at the Plantin Institute of Typography.

Sabina Twardowska
Sabina Twardowska is a visual artist: painter, illustrator, graphic designer. Her art is based on widely understood pop culture and social and political matters. She often uses typography and quotations. For 10 years she has been a member of the Warsaw artistic association Frontier of Art. Lives and creates in Warsaw.
2018 / obtained a doctorate in Painting at the Institute of Fine Arts of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
2013 / graduated from the Department of Computer and Multimedia Graphics / Academy of Special Education in Warsaw
2008 / obtained a master’s degree in art at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Anna Eichler
Anna Eichler is a painter, educator, and art director of Redsheels, the female mural painting crew. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Her practice as a visual artist focuses on interactions of colour in abstract landscapes and colour field painting. She teaches painting, drawing, and illustration at the Faculty of New Media Art in PJAIT, Warsaw, and she’s the representative board member in the European League of Institutes of the Arts. She is the co-author of the ‘Women of Liberty’ mural in Gdansk, and she also designed for production and painted many murals in Poland, ‘Kora’ or ‘Norblin Factory by Dwurnik’’ in Warsaw, among others.

Sebastian Trzoska
Sebastian Trzoska is a visual artist currently living and working in Warsaw. His practice and research focus on the language of drawing, its nature, and its interdisciplinary character in modern art and art education. His PhD was completed at the University of Art in Poznan, within the structures of the Drawing and Painting Faculty. He also works as an assistant at Drawing Studio No. XIII at the University of Art in Poznan. He teaches drawing and painting at the New Media Arts Faculty at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw. He has also participated in collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad.

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Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology teaching staff consists of specialists in the fields of IT, graphic design and culture of Japan.
Our well-equipped educational facilities as well as partnerships that we maintain with top Polish companies can be useful while organizing innovative workshops on current issues.