Currently, we intend to develop a topic of social understanding and integration. This year’s theme of identity crisis can be understood in different ways.
From the point of view of today’s situation, in which migratory waves are affecting the southern and eastern EU countries, the question of identification is particularly relevant in the context of visual and multimedia communication. An additional factor prompting reflection on our chosen topic is the process of globalization or rather consciousness of belonging to one life on one common planet.
It seems that the question of identity and values is an important issue today, one that reverberates in the political disputes that accompany subsequent events. The question that is relevant in this context is how, through art and design, we can raise this issue in discussion with our students, who have different cultural backgrounds and experiences.
For example, every day we use electronic mobile devices and standard applications devoid of visual references in form and content to non- -Western aesthetics. The functionality of most of these digital environments follows the logic of pragmatism for professional purposes and social networks rather than the logic of, for example, spirituality in personal (inner) life, family ties or our relationship with nature.
From the perspective of the young international generation, the digital revolution has taken place without critical and creative engagement in shaping one’s visual identity to this day. We want to argue about aesthetics and functionality in different (existing or fictional, not yet existing) digital contexts.
Why is the younger generation so involved in this issue? Identity politics – is it detrimental to democracy? Identity politics and minority rights (immigration, sexual orientation, skin color, religion) in the context of the politics and visual languages of Western and Eastern EU countries; National identity and propaganda.

dr hab. Ewa Satelecka

dr Jan Piechota

Marjatta Itkonen