Learn more about the lecturers of this workshop
Paweł Pokutycki
Paweł Pokutycki is an interaction designer, researcher and lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague and Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He is a core member of the Alternative Learning Tank (ALT), a nomadic school and artistic organization that focuses on research, creation and implementation of didactical programs on progressive and radical fields of knowledge which are often neglected by educational institutions.
His recent projects focus on exploring relationships between new media theory, political, social, cultural and environmental studies by concept development and prototyping for interactive media. He believes in a methodology of design based on his own, peculiar interpretation of the Black Box Theory presented at a TEDx event in 2012. Currently he is conducting multidisciplinary research on „Humane Technology for the Global South: Ethics of Interaction Design in the (post)Colonial Context”, besides Europe frequently lecturing and giving masterclasses in such countries as Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, India and China. In 2022 he received the Impact: Climate Award from ITAC (International Teaching Artists Collaborative) for educational work with youth on environmental issues based on experimental use of new digital technologies. He is also a board member of ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts), advisor for ‚Digital Culture’ in the Creative Industries Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds) and a nominator to the Prins Claus Award.

Sonia Górecka
Sonia Górecka is a multimedia artist and designer working across the intersection of digital tools and crafts in order to explore its strong connections. She is looking for translations of aesthetics and meanings of local heritages through re-mediations – from analog to digital and inversely. Her theoretical research investigates ethics of technology, world building, conflicts and malfunctions of digital infrastructure mixed with research into local communities and its intergenerational imagination.
She is working with mediums of textiles, video, graphic design accompanied by augmented reality and 3D environment. Currently developing a project about new translations of defragmented Slavic folklore in a moment of geopolitical crisis. She is researching notions of fakelore and folklore adaptation. Recently graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven.

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