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We would like to congratulate the huge success of our students from the Data Science Club, operating at the Faculty of Computer Science PJAIT in Supervision_hack 2023!

A five-member team consisting of Messrs. Jacek Jackowski, Piotr Kojałowicz, Stanisław Raczkiewicz, Igor Wink and Paweł Saniewski took second place in the Fake Job Hunter category.

Their project, Whistleblower on Web-scams (WoW), pointed out the likelihood of fraud in job offers posted on Web-scams that were designed to defraud individuals for various purposes, including money laundering or extortion, or setting up bank accounts for recruitment assignments that were commissioned to the issuers of such offers.

Supervision_Hack 2023 was the second edition of the hackathon organized by the Office of the Financial Supervisory Commission. One of the goals of the hackathon is to develop and implement cutting-edge technological solutions within the framework of supervision of the financial market.
This year's tasks included false offers in the labor market and mechanisms for detecting false advertising.

We are proud that PJAIT is helping students grow and succeed in the IT field!

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