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Specialized areas

The choice of specialized area is made in the second year of full-time studies or in the third year of part-time studies. Students decide on the choice of area by filling out a questionnaire. Each student is required to choose one area to continue their studies. Students who would like to opt for two areas at the same time should indicate their choice in the questionnaire. Information about the survey and the time for its completion is provided to students annually. After the end of its time, it is not possible to change the decision.

ITN students who wish to start the specialized diploma area in the upcoming semester should report to the dean's office to activate their account in the survey. This also applies to those who have already chosen area, and want to start it again.

A_BD. Databases

Coordinating person: prof. dr hab. Lech Banachowski

Symbol: A_BD

Specialized area topics

The course includes learning database programming, administration and tuning using Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL as examples. In addition, students are introduced to the design, administration and tuning of databases, learn to use CASE tools and create database applications that run on the Internet and on a local network.

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

It prepares graduates to work in companies and IT departments in the following positions: analyst, information system designer, database system administrator, traditional application programmer, web application designer, and web portal designer and administrator.

Sample thesis topics:

- Library;
- Tourism;
- Third Country Training Program;
- JazzWorld Society;
- Statistical Support System for Games of Chance;
- Online Tea Room;
- Education Under Sail Society System;
- Online Store;
- Australia - Educational Application for Children.

Laboratory description

The lab is equipped with virtual servers: design, database and application servers. A variety of programming, design and system tools are available to students, such as:

  • CASE tools for conducting design work: Oracle Designer, Micro-soft Visio;
  • Design methodologies from Oracle, Microsoft and Rational Software (IBM);
  • database systems: Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, Postgres, MySQL;
  • client application development environments: Visual Basic, Java, C, C#, C++, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports;
  • Web application development environments: Oracle Internet Application Server, Oracle JDeveloper, Microsoft Internet Information Server, ASP.NET, Apache, PHP, Java Servlets, JSP, EJB, XML, web services.

Specialization subjects

  • Internet Technologies | TIN
  • Database Administration | ABD
A_IO. Software and database engineering

Coordinating person: prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Subieta

Symbol: A_IO

Specialized area topics

The study program includes analysis and design of information systems using object-oriented methodologies (UML) and object-oriented CASE tools. Software engineering issues are also addressed, including a discussion of its full life cycle (strategic phase, analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, nurturing, modification). Students learn how to manage a software development project, advanced graphical user interfaces and engineering projects combining databases, software engineering and distributed technologies (Internet). 

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

It prepares specialists in the analysis, design and administration of large information systems, software engineering methods, database design methods, software quality enhancement methods, Internet integration methods. They are sought after by medium and large computer companies (including foreign ones) implementing key IT projects for government and administrative institutions, banks, state and private enterprises, schools, military, media.

Sample thesis topics:

- A reuse repository;
- Knowledge and risk management in a software company;
- Software to support the construction and operation of an online store;
- A workflow system to support document and software quality management;
- A system to support the teaching of object-oriented analysis and design;
- A content management system for developing web applications.

Laboratory description

Various CASE packages, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server/ASP, Oracle, Visual Basic, Java, .NET platform, web browsers are used in classes. IBM software RAD, WebSphere and Rational have also been used since 2005.

Specialization subjects

  • Internet Technologies | TIN
  • Database Administration | ABD
B. Cyber security, system and network programming

Coordinating person: dr hab. Adam Wierzbicki

Symbol: B

Specialized area topics

The scope includes classes on topics:

  • Information protection in computer networks;
  • Configuration and use of firewall, intrusion detection and prevention systems;
  • Hiding information (steganography), using watermarks;
  • applications of cryptography and digital forensics;
  • distributed programming;
  • Design and build secure and efficient software, including network software;
  • Protocols to ensure quality of service (QoS) in computer networks;
  • management of computer networks;
  • Advanced routing protocols and design of local area networks, VLANs and VPNs;
  • Designing and managing devices that provide network diagnostics;
  • Configuring the network, evaluating its performance and transmission speed;
  • Administer and configure basic network, operating systems and databases;
  • Wireless network design and operation techniques.

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

It prepares specialists in computer network management, information protection, designing secure and efficient software with basic software engineering principles, and digital forensics. They are potential employees of companies that use computer networks and require ensuring their security and high performance and reliability. Software companies operating in the areas of e-commerce, e-learning, e-government, e-business are looking for specialists in software and data security. A separate category is made up of digital forensics specialists employed by large companies or organizations that respond in information security breaches or digital crimes.

Sample thesis topics:

- Authentication and authorization protocols in computer networks;
- Investigation methods in digital forensics;
- Ensuring information protection in electronic banking;
- Digital watermarking methods;
- Auditing intrusion detection systems;
- Planning and implementation of "Voice over IP" services;
- Controlling devices via computer networks;
- Analysis of network protocols;
- Management and administration of computer networks;
- Comparative analysis of network media;
- Network controllers of non-standard devices;
- Redundant mechanisms in computer networks.

Laboratory description

Area has a Specialized Laboratory equipped with equipment designed for building computer networks. There are several portable cabinets (Racks) with switches and Cisco routers. It is also possible to rent or use mobile devices on site. Apple computers supporting software development based on the ObjectiveC language are also available to students. Other equipment is also worth mentioning:

  • Nokia Lumia (various types);
  • Samsung Galaxy (SIII x 2, Note II x 4, Tab 3);
  • Nexus (4, 10);
  • Apple (iPad Air x 2, iPhone 4, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C);
  • Motorola Xoom;
  • Dice+ (x2);
  • Dell Venue 8;
  • Epoc Emotive.

Specialization subjects

  • Advanced Computer Networks | ZSK
  • Advanced Operating Systems | ZSO
D. Intelligent data processing systems

Coordinating person: prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Marcin Wojcik

Symbol: D

Specialized area topics

The aim of the scope is to educate in the design of decision-making and advisory systems for solving complex planning and optimization problems. The design classes discuss techniques for designing and implementing algorithms and tools using artificial neural networks, genetic, evolutionary and ant algorithms, rough sets and fuzzy numbers, as well as cellular automata and decision trees. They belong to a rapidly growing field of computer science called computational intelligence, the science of computer modeling, learning, and finally solving tasks along the lines of the principles of mechanisms found in nature. This field - derived from artificial intelligence - allows one to learn computational intelligence techniques that make it possible to face complex tasks beyond the capabilities of the human mind. In addition to data mining, one can mention issues of management and control of complex systems (e.g., production systems, tasks requiring the involvement of a larger group of mobile robots) or solving difficult optimization problems (e.g., in banking, transportation systems and production). Participants in the specialized scope have the opportunity to verify the acquired knowledge in practical applications, which allows to combine general programming skills with specialized experience in the selected field.

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

Graduates in the field can work as programmers in the design of decision-making and consulting systems, using computer analysis of large databases and complex planning and optimization problems in action, able to extract valuable information from large databases, data warehouses and the Internet.

Sample thesis topics:

- Design and implementation of a tool supporting search phrases in English according to various types of patterns;
- Identification of personal identities based on biometric data;
- Anomaly detection in transactional systems;
- Medical diagnosis support based on analysis of a hospital database;
- Investment decision analysis and support system;
- Banking operations analysis;
- DNA microarray research analysis;
- Smart spam filters.

Laboratory description

The specialized area has a specialized laboratory equipped with a set of several workstations and a cluster of computers for processing large amounts of Web-related data. 

Specialization subjects

  • Intelligent control systems | ISS
  • Machine Vision | WMA
E. Multimedia

Coordinating person: dr hab. Alicja Wieczorkowska

Symbol: E

Specialized area topics

Students are introduced to elements of recording and sound technology, multimedia data recording techniques, video and TV signal formats, advanced Flash technology, as well as visual language, musical aesthetics and copyright. The multimedia laboratory, together with the laboratory practice room for the Multimedia subject, offer a suitable hardware and software base for the preparation of multimedia projects. Students learn how to use and develop MM applications, web editing, MM compression and data processing algorithms. Students learn basic techniques related to sound and image engineering, virtual reality, interactive communication, audio and video interfaces, sound synthesis methods and color theory. They also delve into the properties of human vision and hearing, various applications of multimedia techniques, as well as issues of communicating with a computer using speech (speech synthesis and recognition) and touch (haptic).

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

Graduates can find work in digital studios as post-production implementers, in the commercial departments of companies in the operation and development of e-commerce software (e-commerce), in software companies (preparation of the interface for the user), in companies integrating information systems (MM system integrators), in banks (operation and development of digital monitoring and surveillance systems), in biomedical companies (visualization), in websites, telecommunication operators and wherever it is necessary to develop graphical interfaces for the user.

Sample thesis topics:

- Multimedia portal of educational tutorials;
- Design of multimedia advertising campaign;
- Interactive DVD film - VIDEO;
- Interactive guide to HD TV
- Encyclopedia of biology;
- Film from idea to realization - realization of short film;
- Funcam - interactive games for children;
- Website - Macrophotography.

Laboratory description 

Students have access to the Multimedia Laboratory and the Color Laboratory. The former is equipped with a professional recording studio with equipment and software for recording and editing of phonic, as well as videophonic materials. There are mixers (audio and videophone), equalizer, MIDI interface, ADAT tape recorder, CD, hard-disc recorder, effects processor, synthesizers, microphones, speakers and headphones, cameras, digital camera, VCRs, frame grabber, printers and scanners. 

The Laboratory's employees are engaged in digital processing of sound (both human speech and musical sounds), as well as moving images. The Color Laboratory, on the other hand, deals with colorometry in the broadest sense, including digital color processing, determining the color characteristics of devices or creating ICC profiles. It is possible there, for example, to test and evaluate the accuracy of color reproduction, large-format digital printing, and spectrophotometric measurements of colors and color difference.

Specialization subjects

  • Internet Technologies | TIN
  • Machine Vision | WMA
E_3D. Multimedia - 3D Animation

Coordinating person: Piotr Pawlowski, M.Sc.

Symbol: E_3D

Specialized area topics

Students after completing the scope have basic knowledge in the topics of using video, computer image processing and 3D animation techniques. They can prepare a 3D model for animation and provide technical support during character animation by a professional animator. With technical knowledge of the process, graduates of the scope can control the process of 3D animation and special effects post-production. They also know how to run and supervise the systems used in the production of special effects and 3D animation.

Ability to use the knowledge gained in future professional work

Graduates of the range will find work in the production of films, commercials, television programs or in FX "Special Effects" post-production. They will also be able to work successfully programming computer games and other multimedia applications. Opportunities to use the knowledge gained include creating elements of computer games and other multimedia applications.

Sample thesis topics:

- Producing an animated film using 3D graphics;
- Creating content for a computer game.

Laboratory description

The 3D Animation and Graphics Laboratory is equipped with the latest generation of PCs and a 3D scanner designed to scan the post-breast with texture. The lab also houses several highly specialized devices that interact with the computer. These include a handheld 3D scanner (Microscribe by Immersion) and a specialized HAPTIC touch interface (Phantom Desktop by Sensable). The lab develops technologies for cinema and television, as well as technologies used in animation and rendering. It also has its own BlueBox. The Laboratory's teaching activities include design classes for the 3D Animation and Game Programming specialties.

Specialization subjects

  • Internet Technologies | TIN
  • Machine Vision | WMA
F. Robotics

Coordinating person: Dr. Eng. Adam Szmigielski

Symbol: F

Specialized area topics

The area covers a wide area of topics related to mobile robotics. Various robot architectures are presented, with a detailed discussion of sensory systems, how robots move, and actuators. Many issues of localization and navigation such as the construction of terrain maps (both topological and geometrical) are related to robot mobility. Issues of control and cooperation of robots in complex situations will also be presented, taking into account methods of artificial intelligence, machine learning or knowledge engineering. Since experiments with real robots are quite expensive and time-consuming, computer simulation skills are very helpful.

Ability to use the knowledge gained  

After completing the scope, the student should independently implement simple robotic constructions using Arduino or Raspberry Pi. The knowledge gained will enable the use of robots for specific tasks - such as drones for monitoring or tracking objects. It will also be helpful in companies dealing with electromobility, monitoring and traffic security. There is also the possibility of working as a programmer, especially in areas where knowledge of hardware is required, such as a programmer of machines, robots, etc.

Sample thesis topics

The topics of potential work are quite broad. It ranges from the possibility of building a robot or implementing specific robot control. This usually involves solving tasks related to localization, navigation, object detection and tracking, optimization or decision-making. Theses using only computer simulations are also possible.
Our students have made many constructions, including.

- PALADYN humanoid robot;
- quadruped robot;
- hexapod robot.

The thesis proposals are presented below:

- Building a drone using the Multiwii or Raspberry pi platform;
- Collaboration of a group of robots;
- Simultaneous localization and SLAM map building;
- Robot navigation using topological maps;
- Object tracking, for example, using deep learning techniques;
- Gesture-based robot control.

Laboratory description

In the robotics laboratory, it is possible to do experimental work with robots on their navigation, localization, object detection, and wandering in a maze. It is also possible to build your own robot. Our students have made many constructions, including.

  • PALADYN humanoid robot - currently on display at the Copernicus Science Center;
  • quadruped robot;
  • hexapod robot.

The laboratory is equipped with:

  • 8 Roomba mobile robots with on - board computers;
  • NAO humanoid robot;
  • 2 Pioneer 2DX mobile robots;
  • 5 Lego NXT 2.0 robots;
  • Human-computer control system based on gestures and silhouette using Asus Xtion depth camera.

Specialization subjects

  • Intelligent control systems | ISS
  • Machine Vision | WMA
G. Business application programming

Coordinating persons: dr Krzysztof Barteczko

Symbol: G

Specialized area topics

Topics focus on tools for creating, implementing and integrating business distributed applications using state-of-the-art technology. Graduates are specialists in programming business systems, familiar with the nuances of technology and avant-garde programming technologies, which gives them a high level of skill in designing, developing and implementing such systems, while ensuring a good position in the job market.

What we teach:

- uses and nuances of programming languages (Java, C#, Groovy, Scala, among others),
- distributed programming in Java, .NET, Scala environments,
- Web application building platforms (GWT, Vaadin, ExtJS, among others),
- business application design patterns (among others.Enterprise Java Beans patterns, among others),
- working with application servers (JBoss, Tomcat, among others),
- programming for mobile devices (Android and WindowsPhone, among others),
- Internet technologies,
- database administration.

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

Graduates are specialists in business systems programming. They are familiar with the technological nuances and avant-garde technologies of business programming, which gives them a high level of skill in designing and implementing such systems, while ensuring a good position in the job market.

Sample thesis topics:

- Comparative analysis of selected programming technologies in multilayer business application architecture;
- Creation of business portals using RIA ("Rich Internet Application") technologies;
- Selection of programming technologies in the context of a company's value chain in the era of the information revolution;
- Programming technologies for building information systems for small and medium-sized enterprises;
- Practical projects (systems for companies), emphasizing the use of new business application programming technologies in solutions.

Laboratory description

The lab has a powerful server with remote access capabilities. Modern software (including JEE, .NET, Scala Akka, RubyOnRails, Django, Grails, SQL and NoSQL databases) is used in the development of projects and theses.

Specialization subjects

  • Internet Technologies | TIN
  • Mobile Programming | PRM
H. Mobile device networks

Coordinating persons: Michał Tomaszewski, Ph.D., Radosław Nielek, Ph.

Symbol: H

Specialized area topics

During the three semesters of study in the scope, students receive practical knowledge of software development for mobile platforms. They gain information on: operating systems and hardware architectures of mobile devices; IP network service providing mobility and communication of mobile devices with the Internet; information protection in mobile device networks; ad-hoc networks; distributed programming; architecture, radio channel organization, switching, protocols and signaling, services and design principles of radio networks; cellular networks (GSM, CDMA, UMTS standards); satellite networks and their applications; 802.11 and Bluetooth networks; protocols to ensure quality of service (QoS) in computer networks; advanced routing protocols and VPNs. The didactic classes introduce ecosystems based on Android, Qt, as well as Windows Phone. Students learn the basics of the platforms' architecture, application development process and distribution. The following problems are also addressed in the classes: user interaction with applications (detection and action tracking mechanisms); design of mobile application appearance; analysis and processing of acquired information (cameras, accelerometers, etc.); Bluetooth and WiFi wireless communication. Students are introduced to programming languages such as Java, C++ and ObjectiveC, and soon .Net.

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

Graduates are specialists in software development for mobile platforms. They acquire information on: operating systems and hardware architectures of mobile devices; IP network service providing mobility and communication of mobile devices with the Internet; information protection in mobile device networks; ad-hoc networks; distributed programming; architecture, radio channel organization, switching, protocols and signaling, services and design principles of radio networks; cellular networks (GSM, CDMA, UMTS standards); satellite networks and their applications; 802.11 and Bluetooth networks; protocols to ensure quality of service (QoS) in computer networks; advanced routing protocols and VPNs.

Sample thesis topics:

- Smart home;
- Secure 802.11 network access point;
- English-Japanese translator for cell phones;
- Remote-controlled vehicles;
- Games for cell phones;
- Virtual phone;
- GPS mapping;
- Interactive guides for tourists
- Optimal way finding systems.

Laboratory description

The scope laboratory is subject to continuous development funded by research and statutory work. It is also supported by Nokia. The lab includes CISCO equipment for managing 802.11x networks (using the RADIUS authentication protocol), a radio spectrum analyzer for WiFi, a GPS module, WiFi and Bluetooth network cards on USB "dongles." Several advanced sensor devices are planned to be purchased, including those using ZigBee radio networks. Among the mobile devices available for students to test their solutions are:

  • Google Android devices (G1, G2, also tablets);
  • Nokia devices (N900, N97);
  • Apple devices (iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch, iPad);
  • Blackberry devices (9700 Bold);
  • HTC Devices (HD2);
  • Tablets (Archos 5, Archos 9, Samsung Galaxy);
  • Booklets (Nokia).

Specialization subjects

  • Advanced Computer Networks | ZSK
  • Mobile Programming | PRM
J. eXtended Reality, Immersive Games and Systems,

Coordinating person:Barbara Karpowicz, MScEng, prof. Wiesław Kopeć, XR Department and XR Research Center PJAIT

Symbol: J

Specialized area topics

The specialization of eXtended Reality, Immersive Games and Systems is led by
a team of researchers and specialists from the laboratories of the XR Research and Development Center
PJAIT (XR Center - XRC) consisting of, among others. from academic staff experienced
in the area of creating immersive eXtended Reality continuum
(VR/AR/XR) environments, Unity developers, interface and interaction designers, graphic and
2D and 3D designers, as well as specialists in project and
team management.

The primary path of XRG's specialized scope is Game Development,
building on the existing specialization of Game Programming (XPG) and constituting its
complement and extension. It includes comprehensive
diploma preparation with attention to various aspects related to the creation of contemporary
2D and 3D computer games using the main engines used in
the industry, namely Unity and Unreal. The program covers practical elements of
production processes specific to the industry, from design issues and
rapid prototyping, through software and content development, to tools and
methods of teamwork, complemented by important elements of documenting
the process, especially for the written part of the thesis. As part of
specialization, we also offer support for those interested in
thesis topics related to virtual, augmented and augmented reality
(VR/AR/XR). This area is the main axis of the XR Center's research work, which
consists of advanced research tools using
immersive systems embedded in a broad Mixed Reality continuum
including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Augmented Reality (XR) in
combination with the use of the latest trends and innovations in
computer science applications, such as machine learning (Machine Learning, ML) and
artificial intelligence (AI), including Generative AI, IoT and
smart environment (Smart Environment), including Smart City, Smart Home, Smart
Office, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Complex Event
Processing or Industry 4.0 combined with custom interfaces, such
as VUI (Voice User Interface), EMG (Electromyography) and EOG (Electro-oculography),

BCI (Brain-Computer Interface), and the acquisition, processing and analysis of
multimodal data, including psychophysiological data such as ophthalmography
and pupillometry (Eye Tracking, ET), EEG (electroencephalography) and psychophysiology
peripheral (GSR/EDA, ECG/PPG, among others).

Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in your future professional work

Graduates of the specialization can find a job not only in the game development market, but
also in any other IT area related to the development of
real-time applications, e.g. Game Designer, Game Developer, Unity Developer, 2D Artist, 3D
During classes for those interested in a career in software development
there will be an emphasis on good programming practices in the C# language, which finds
application in many areas of modern IT systems based, among others, on
the .NET environment and ecosystem. Those interested in developing in the direction of content
development will receive support in the workbench necessary for
technical preparation of widely understood 2D and 3D content for
IT projects. In addition, skills in teamwork
will find application regardless of the target career path of a graduate of our
specialization. Those interested in diploma topics related to the
research areas of the XR Center can develop their professional ambitions in the direction
of a broad spectrum of modern IT industry trends related to both
design and co-creation and use of interactive
immersive systems from the selected area of eXtended Reality / Mixed Reality
continuum (XR/MR). In particular, they may specialize in the development
of software and content for immersive interactive environments,
from 2D and 3D games to VR/AR/XR applications, also including selected
aspects related to the acquisition and use of multimodal data, including
psychophysiological data, along with their processing and analysis with
the use of advanced computer vision,
machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.

Sample thesis topics:

In the case of the basic Game Development track, the thesis topic
may cover a variety of aspects from the broad area of
game development, along with their implementation as part of the thesis project in the form of a game or
key gameplay elements demonstrating the solution to a given problem.
Example topics from previous years:

- Implementation of dynamic adjustment of the difficulty level in the game
on the example of the arcade game "Chicken fever".
- The process of creating a computer game based on Virtual Reality technology,
in the Unity environment on the example of the project "SurVR".
- Implementation of a melee combat system using active physics in
based on Active Ragdoll.
- Framework for RPG development using the Unity environment.
- Network communication protocol for multiplayer gaming in the context of
turn-based gameplay.
-Solving the problem of playability through the use of
random and procedurally generated elements.

Thesis topics for those interested in areas related to
research projects of the XR Center may address various aspects
of the design and implementation of selected mixed
reality continuum issues, in particular VR/AR/XR immersive systems in
conjunction with supporting areas of information systems applications
such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent
environments, or multimodal interfaces and interactions. Sample topics
diploma topics in this area:

- Mobile intervention and research application to strengthen
pro-environmental behavior. (One of the top five theses of the
first degree program in the academic year 2021/2022)

- Mobile intervention and research application to reinforce
pro-environmental behavior. (One of the top five
first degree theses for the 2021/2022 academic year)
-Game engine implementation using OGRE renderer.
-Rendering real-time scenes using Vulkan.
-Using elements of peripheral psychophysiology in
virtual environments.
-Using eyetracking in immersive virtual environments.
-Application of artificial intelligence to control interaction in
immersive systems.
-Image analysis and processing using several image sources.
-Image recognition using
crowdsourcing-assisted artificial intelligence.
-Business process automation using
rule-based robots and artificial intelligence.

Laboratory description

The XRG specialized area (eXtended Reality, Games and Immersive Systems) has the support of the XR Research Center laboratories in the form of high-performance XR stations, VR, AR and XR equipment with eye-tracking, specialized equipment for psychophysiological research, as well as rapid prototyping based on, among others, 3D printing, laser scanning or photogrammetry.

Specialization subjects

  • Participatory game design | PAPG
  • Unity - design patterns and development practices | UWP

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