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Launch of Infotester4Education: Development and implementation of artificial intelligence-based educational methods and digital tools to support the fight against disinformation

The project aims to address the growing problem of disinformation in the digital age, with a particular focus on its impact on democratic values and academia. Through the use of digital tools and innovative teaching methods, the consortium aims to assist EU citizens, especially students, in effectively detecting and countering disinformation.

The world of technology is inextricably linked to information. Often repeated misinformation exacerbates fear among the public and perpetuates false beliefs, which can often lead to disastrous social consequences.

At least three different types of unreliable Web content have been identified: 

1) disinformation (false, intentionally harmful), 

2) misinformation (erroneous, but without harmful intent), 

3) malinformation (true, but used in a harmful way). 

Unreliable content includes conspiracy theories, rumors and fake news, but also propaganda and disinformation from various countries used for political purposes or information warfare. It has been found that much unreliable content is specifically designed to make it difficult or impossible to verify. Creators of unreliable content rely on probability rather than verifiability, and appeal to emotions and the pursuit of sensationalism.

The main objectives include raising awareness in the area of the spread of false information and strengthening practical skills for detecting disinformation. Through the development of a course on verifying the credibility of information and an Artificial Intelligence-supported Disinformation Detection Service, the project aims to integrate the aforementioned skills into educational curricula. The result is to enable individuals to make informed, fact-based decisions in the real world.

In line with EU priorities for digital transformation and innovative teaching practices, the project addresses the need for practical training in media education and disinformation detection. By filling gaps in existing courses and integrating debunking methodologies, the project offers a comprehensive approach to combating disinformation.

The project will pioneer media literacy by providing an automated disinformation detection service, supported by artificial intelligence, for personalized learning. This innovative approach provides scalability and accessibility, enabling students to independently verify credibility assessments. By doing so, it will contribute to building a society resilient to disinformation and digital threats, promoting a secure digital environment and adherence to democratic values in the digital age.


Project title: Development and implementation of AI education methods and digital tools to support the fight against disinformation
Project number: 2023-2-PL01-KA220-HED-000180856
Consortium Leader: Science4People (S4P) spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

Project partners:
University of Greater Tirnov (VTU) - Bulgaria,
Open University of Cyprus (OUC) - Cyprus,
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) - Finland,
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (PJAIT) - Poland

Project implementation period: 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2027
Total budget: 400,000.00 euros
Funding source: Cooperation Partnership for Higher Education, ERASMUS+, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Poland.