Learn more about the projects created during this workshop
Are you phubbing me?
Social media vs. mental health
Scientists are taking an ongoing look at the global experiment in which, whether we like or not, we all take part. There is a lot of research on the impact of social media on our mental well-being.

What’s the matter with men?
Crisis of masculinity
They’re floundering at school and in the workplace. Some conservatives blame a crisis of masculinity, but the problems and their solutions are far more complex.

Online identity
Can we really be whoever we want to be?
One of the net’s original evangelists says that our experience of the web is changing our identity both on and offline

Am i rootless, or am i free?
Third culture kids like me make it up as we go along.
One of the net’s original evangelists says that our experience of the web is changing our identity both on and offline.

Interested in collaboration with PJAIT? Contact us!
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology teaching staff consists of specialists in the fields of IT, graphic design and culture of Japan.
Our well-equipped educational facilities as well as partnerships that we maintain with top Polish companies can be useful while organizing innovative workshops on current issues.