Artur Wyszynski
1. What influenced you to take up an MBA at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology?
As for the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology itself, in my professional environment I meet many people who have completed the education process at this University, and in fact it was due to these recommendations that I decided to take up an MBA for the IT industry. My main need was the desire to change, to do something more, to break out of monotony.
2 How do you recall your time at MBA 4 IT in PJAIT? What was the most significant for you during the studies themselves?
The most significant for me during the studies themselves was the exchange of experiences with other Students who are at a similar stage in life. The second equally valuable element was the attention to issues that I simply did not have time for before. These are topics related to marketing, cybersecurity and psychological approaches to business, which I found very useful and ready to implement immediately after the class.
3. How do you assess the cooperation of MBA students during the course and the contact between the student and the lecturer. Are the relationships that have been created important to you?
I evaluate the student-student relationship very positively! The study gave us the space to integrate the group, have many interesting conversations, exchange experiences, discuss important topics. At the MBA for the IT industry, I met very valuable people with a lot of experience. I believe that, the contacts I acquired will remain for years to come.
As for the relationship with the Lecturers, in most cases they were very good. Although we were dealing with specialists in their fields, I did not feel that we Students were treated "with superiority". We managed to create a partnership relationship, which influenced openness, good atmosphere and freedom of expression.
4. What values, other than the educational program itself, were most important to you during the MBA itself?
Maybe this value does not come directly from the MBA, but after completing the educational process at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology, the very value was that I opened myself to the new. It's such a bit of a fresh start - a new perspective on familiar issues, an impetus to act in a new way.
5. What tips could you give to potential MBA candidates?
I think that for people directly related to the IT industry, MBA studies at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology are a really valuable place to expand their knowledge, not only theoretical but also practical. The biggest benefit of these studies is meeting, discussing and exchanging experiences with people who deal with similar topics on a daily basis in terms of their professional activities, so it's worth being open to conversation and knowledge transfer.