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On March 18, 2024, the Summit of Student Government Presidents of SUN (Capital Non-Public Universities) was held within the walls of our university.

Our university was represented by none other than Michal Orzylowski, president of the student government.

For the past two years, these meetings have been held regularly in an effort to maintain good inter-university relations.

The presidents met not only to take action on behalf of their universities, but also to jointly ensure the welfare of non-public universities as a whole and to express the unanimous position of students on their issues.

This is especially important to create a community of the capital's non-public universities against the national total of higher education. 

Meet the local government!

The atmosphere of the meeting fostered open dialogue and a desire to establish inter-university cooperation.

The presidents exchanged ideas for future cooperation, such as organizing joint cultural events and implementing projects.

It is through such meetings that inter-university ties are built, which are the basis for future cooperation, affecting the lives of every student.

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