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You are cordially invited to visit the exhibition "Obstacles" by Anna Barlik, a lecturer at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. The exhibition will open on September 26 at Propaganda gallery as part of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2024.

"Obstacles" is a presentation of recent works by Anna Barlik, in which the title obstacles will be elaborated by the artist on a literal and symbolic level. 

In traditional fairy tales, regardless of cultural background, there is often a motif of small everyday objects that, thrown behind the back of the heroine or hero, magically transform into barriers. And so a comb turns into a forest, a mirror into a lake, facilitating escape and allowing one to safely reach the designated destination. The key here is the huge difference in scale between the original object and the resulting obstruction. 

Anna Barlik's work is largely autobiographical - personal experiences are the starting point for compositional explorations. Her consistent use of simplistic, abstract motifs allows her to set an individual perspective in a more universal context. The story she constructs in the "Obstacles" series repeats, as it were, the formula known from folk tales: an obstacle is understood here as a desired inconvenience, a necessary condition for creativity to occur.

When. 26.09-6.10.2024, 11-19

Where. Propaganda, 37 Paryska St., entrance from Szczuczynska St.

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