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The essentials of a thesis

The thesis must have a title page according to the established template and an abstract of the thesis (from 400 characters with spaces to 1,500 characters with spaces) and keywords (min. 3).

A paper written in a language other than Polish should additionally include a second title page in Polish, as well as an abstract of the paper and key words.

Prepare your work in 5 steps:

Step 1 - Start the process

The following points should be done after the work is approved by the supervisor.

In order to start the process, you need to:

  • Print and bind the work - one copy for the entire group;
  • prepare CDs with the work: the written part (a single file of the written work must not exceed 45 MB), if any - source codes and a compiled version of the application. On the CDs write with a marker the topic of the work, the names and student numbers of all authors. It is necessary to record:
    • One CD from each co-author of the work - for the Student's office,
    • One additional CD - for the library.
  • download, print and sign the statement on independent writing of the paper(link) - one copy from each author.
  • submit a general application to the Dean of the Faculty via with a request to be able to approach the defense of the thesis without the diploma exam (only students who are not likely to graduate, and wrote a group thesis). The justification is that the thesis was written in a group.

At this stage, the thesis information entered by the Supervisor should exist in the GAKKO system( In this step, the student is required to provide additional information to the Supervisor, who, after verification, completes it in the GAKKO system:

  • The individual contribution of each author to the various elements of the work (including individual chapters in the documentation of the thesis project);
  • area completed scientific research (if applicable);
  • Name of the Reviewer of the work.

The student completes the following information on his own:

  • granting or not granting permission to post the thesis in the Thesis Repository
  • Declaration of the type of copies issued free of charge to the graduate. The university issues 3 sets of documents (diploma and supplement) for the student free of charge:
    • original in Polish + 2 copies in Polish
    • original in Polish + copy in Polish + copy in English

Step 2 - Submission of work

You can send a set of physical documents listed in Step 1 by mail or make an appointment to deliver them to the Student's Office or the Library (just make an appointment with one department, the documents will be forwarded accordingly):

  • the library receives a bound thesis and one CD to check the thesis for plagiarism. The Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System guarantees verification of the thesis within a maximum of 7 days from the date of entering the thesis into the system. The result of the verification from the "probability report" (factor No. 2) will be entered in the "Application for admission to the thesis defense", the so-called "circulator" (see Step 3).
  • Students' Office receives the remaining CDs and statements signed by the authors of the work.

To formally complete Step 2, the Supervisor must accept the verification result from the JSA, entered into the GAKKO system by a library employee.

Completion of Step 2 is tantamount to the submission of the thesis by the deadline set by the Dean of the Faculty in the Order on Diploma Examinations.

Step 3 - Completing the Circulation

A request to create a circulator should be submitted to the Student's office/secretariat - by email (preferred option) or by phone only after all of the following requirements have been met together:

  • obtaining a discharge or obtaining a positive decision on the application for admission to the defense of the thesis itself (submitted in Step 1).
  • obtaining acceptance of the plagiarism result by the supervisor in the GAKKO system.

The graduation slip will be made available in the GAKKO system(link). It is in the student's interest to make sure that the circulator is completed by:

  • library,
  • Accounting, (not applicable to non-degree students),
  • Supervisor and Reviewer (the introduction of the Supervisor's and Reviewer's opinions is equivalent to their "signing" of the circulator),
  • Students' Office (Only after all other signatures have been obtained).

Obtaining a set of signatures formally completes the process of preparing for defense.

Step 4 - Defense

The description of this step does not apply to remote defenses

On the day of the defense, no later than half an hour before the defense - during the Student's office hours:

  • The chairman/member of the Commission collects a set of documents from the Student's office for the examination committee.
  • Students go to the designated room and wait to be invited to the exam.

Step 5 - Complete the paperwork after the defense

Information about the prepared diploma (and/or a copy in English) will appear on the student's profile, after logging into GAKKO under Students' Office/Course of study/documents (available for graduates of the academic year 2016/2017 and later).

In order to obtain an additional copy (no more than 3 pieces) in English, it is necessary to submit to the application system within 30 days from the date of defense:

  • The application for translation of the thesis topic must be completed by the Supervisor at the stage of entering the thesis into the GAKKO system. If the topic is incorrect, an appendix signed by the Supervisor regarding the translation of the thesis topic must be added to the application).
  • Proof of payment of PLN 40 per set.

Due to the introduction of new diploma prints, diploma photos are not required from the 2020/2021 summer semester defenses.

When picking up your diploma, please have your ID card ready for return.