Information for new students - summer semester 2024/2025

Welcome to the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology!
STARTING of classes in the summer semester of the 2024/2025 ACADEMIC YEAR.
Classes for the first year (first semester) begin March 1, 2025.
NOTE: Part-time Bachelor's degree students using distance learning methods and techniques have a mandatory Meeting in the second half of February (the exact date will be announced during the recruitment process) - implementation of the subject "Introduction to Information Systems" (WSI) stationary at PJAIT.
Schedule of the academic year and session 2024/25
Student account and schedule
To log into your student account, go to "Web Dziekanat".
After logging in(the login and password were sent in a separate email a few days after signing the contract), you can, among other things, check your data, see the balance on payments, assignment to a practice group, etc.
You can change your account password using haslo
Each student on his account has the opportunity to enter an additional "phone password", which will be necessary to obtain telephone information about the course of study.

The schedule may be modified at the beginning of the semester.
First card
ID card prepared without any request from the student. Each new student receives an e-mail at the beginning of the first semester with information on when and where they can pick up their ID card. The payment of PLN 22 should be made to the individual account after signing the contract with the university.
Assignment to language groups
Undergraduate and graduate students in order to qualify for the appropriate language group (due to the level of proficiency of the foreign language) are required to take a short diagnostic test.
The link to the test is sent in the welcome email "Welcome to PJAIT!" / Welcome to PJAIT!" after signing the contract with the university.
We ask you to take the test independently and prudently, as the result will be the basis for the decision to assign you to a group with the appropriate level of proficiency.
If you have any questions, please contact Foreign Language Department:
Answers to frequently asked questions
Using your login, you can use the university's e-mail service
Important announcements, information about changes or events at the university are sent to your student email address: Please remember to check your student mail regularly.
Please be advised that all student applications should be submitted through the electronic student application system:
The schedule is available at:
Note: the schedule is subject to significant modifications during the period of the beginning of the semester. Please verify its form just before the first classes.
Information on how to pick up student ID cards is available on the page: For the student under What can we help you with?
Invoicing rules will be published soon.
In order to obtain the certificate of fees necessary for obtaining a residence card (for foreigners), please contact us in advance by email at
Study regulations, regulations for granting material aid, the university's statutes and other important documents can be found at: Public Information Bulletin PJAIT.
With all your IT problems, BSS PJAIT will help you.
Information on the services available at the University, including: Wi-Fi, ELMS, mail, software can be found at
The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology does not have its own dormitories; instead, students can use the services of dormitories run by other universities or private entities (as space allows). Students settle all formalities and payments directly with the dormitories.
For more information about the dormitories, visit: Dorms offer.
Part-time students via the Internet use the educational platform EDUx and/or Nomad
Note: Please use the EDUx system regularly and read the announcements posted there.
Interested? Get in touch with us!
Contact the Admission Office to get answers to all your questions.