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Come to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Wroclaw (a branch of the National Museum) for the exhibition and symposium LAACT XXIII (Light as a creative tool). 

The event will feature artists affiliated with the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw: Anna Klimczak, PhD, Emilia Ishizaka, MA, Mateusz Król, MA. 

PJAIT is a partner of the event.

The LAACT XXIII project will take place on March 10 and 11 and will accompany the THE RENOWNED EXHIBITION "OTTO PIENE. STARS" at the Pavilion of the Four Domes in Wroclaw.

Otto Piene was one of the most important creators of light art and an undoubted pioneer in thinking about light as a medium of contemporary art. 

LAACT XXIII will show how artists living today tell stories about the world and current events using light.

Invited artists and art researchers:

Joacelio Batista [BR].

Annika Hippler [DE].

Emilia Ishizaka [PL]

Anna Klimczak [PL]

Ryszard W. Kluszczyński [PL]. 

Matthew King [PL]

Alicja Panasiewicz, Adam Panasiewicz / Not a Number group [PL] 

Sarah Rechberger [AT].

Tilen Sepič [SI].

Robert Sochacki [PL]

Ingo Wendt [DE]. 

Tomasz Wiktor [PL]

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