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21.02.2025 mieliśmy przyjemność gościć Panią Mio Yamashitę, studentkę Tsuda University w Tokio, która wygłosiła wykład o tym, jak studiuje się w Japonii.

Serdecznie dziękujemy za ciekawe spotkanie i przekazujemy kilka słów podsumowania od Pani Mio Yamashity:

I was given a special opportunity to visit PJATK and communicate with students. This was a big project for me, and it all started with my study in university back in Japan. I am learning international relations, and through the study I started to notice that international relations are not only in the political field or the news headlines, but also intertwined with other fields, for example economy, tourism, culture, and education. Understanding how Japanese culture is taught overseas was a new perspective for me. I was fascinated to know that the Japanese study in PJATK was so deep and detailed. As a native Japanese, there were lot of things I did not pay attention to, but I learnt that such details are important elements to understand Japan better. I could not have noticed these things without getting out of Japan.

It was also an honor to give a presentation about Japanese culture and student life. Thinking of what might be interesting for Polish people was a difficult task, since the audience were students from the department of Japanese culture. I was happy to receive questions and comments and the whole experience at PJATK was marvelous and unforgettable. I sincerely hope that my humble presentation was able to contribute to enhancing Japanese-Polish relations, which interaction among the young generation is an important element.

Traveling on my own was a big challenge for me as well. I was glad that Poland welcomed me. Poland was full of hospitality, with calm, kind, and joyful people. Very different from Japan but I felt at home and felt big potential for the two countries to further deepen relation. Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank PJATK for accepting me, and all fellow students that joined my presentation. I look forward for an opportunity to be able to facilitate the advancement of the relationship between PJATK with Japan.

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