Application Requirements
Recruitment form
Stage I
- filling out the recruitment form (below)
- providing the following documents electronically or by mail to the Centre for Postgraduate Studies of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology:
- university diploma (bachelor’s, engineer’s or master’s degree) or a copy with a supplement – the candidate presents the original or a copy, and a PJATK employee certifies the photocopy as a true copy of the original
- CV
- one proof-size photo (the photo can be provided at the final stage of recruitment, after a positive outcome of the interview)
- confirmation of payment of the application fee in the amount of PLN 1500 to the account: 41 1160 2202 0000 0003 5249 4962
Stage II
Selected Candidates who meet the formal requirements are invited to an individual recruitment meeting, which is held online.
The date of the meeting will be set up 14 days from the date of the submission of documents. Admission to the MBA for IT is determined by the result of the interview.
Meeting with lecturers of the Center for Postgraduate Education
No one will tell you more about the courses offered by the Center for Postgraduate Education than the lecturers. We invite you to watch and listen to interviews with the instructors of postgraduate courses and MBA studies (including CKP head Ms. Marta Godzisz), conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.