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TYPE TEXT KOREA Typographic Poster Exhibition. 

An exhibition of typographic poster art by TYPE TEXT KOREA is on display at the Medium gallery at PJAIT starting June 17. The exhibition is dedicated to South Korean typographic poster art. The collection of more than 50 works presents a diverse and multifaceted approach to typography and typographic composition. 

The exhibition is a companion event to the 28th Warsaw Poster Biennale.


Typographic Poster Exhibition

Gallery Medium, Building A 

(exhibition available during opening hours)
PJAIT , Koszykowa 86, Warsaw, Poland

Curators: Agnieszka Ziemiszewska (PL), Chang Sik Kim (KR/ US), Byoung Il Sun (KR)
Organizer: Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology

Poster for the exhibition: Agnieszka Ziemiszewska

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