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Scholarships in Japan

Students in the Department of Japanese Culture can take advantage of a variety of scholarships in Japan.

Student scholarship trips to Japan are based on three programs:

1. ITO Foundation for International Education Exchange

The ITO Foundation for International Education Exchange is a funded two-year master's degree program (in any major) at a university of the student's choice; proficiency in Japanese near N2 and/or a passing score on the TOEIC English exam is required.

2. Josai Central European Scholarship

A student may apply for a one-year study trip (in the third year) to one of the departments listed below:

Josai International University (JIU):

  • Faculty of International Humanities
  • Faculty of Tourism

Josai University (JU):

  • Faculty of Management
  • Faculty of Contemporary Policy Studies
  • Faculty of Economics

The program held at a Japanese university counts as part of the course of undergraduate studies at PJAIT. These scholarships are paid in part by the Japanese side.

3. Yamanashi Gakuin University

Students can apply for a one-year study trip (in the third year) and pursue the Japanese Social Studies program. Students who have the highest grade point average in their studies and who pass both the internal and external qualification process can take advantage of the scholarship trip offer.

Over the past 5 years, 20 students in the field have received scholarships and gone to universities in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kofu or Nagoya. Some of our graduates received job offers after completing their scholarships and decided to stay longer in Japan.