Dr. Agnieszka Ziemiszewska with Bronze Medal at the Toyama International Poster Triennale

Once again, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology has become a beneficiary of the NAWA program and will implement a project called "Welcome to PJ."
The aim of the project is to expand PJAIT 's capacity to host and serve foreign students, doctoral students and teaching staff.
1. to increase the recognition of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology among foreign candidates.
Activities: we plan to create a training offer for female students, as well as graduates PJAIT and the participation of the Promotion Office staff in education fairs abroad.
2 Expand the operation of the Welcome Center, which provides integration support for female and male foreign students by facilitating contacts with both the administrative part (academic career office, psychologist, promotion office, etc.) and the teaching part, also providing information on customs and norms in our country that will facilitate normal functioning (including issues of anti-discrimination and gender equality).
Activities: support for students coming from abroad through the help of "PJA Friends", as well as through dedicated information materials or welcome packs, and expanding the offer of events that will help build community PJAIT.
3. strengthen contact with international graduates PJAIT, so that our University can promote their achievements and better monitor their fate.
Activities: Promoting the success of PJAIT graduates abroad, supporting them in upgrading their skills or changing careers. Creating a space for joint networking and opening up dialogue between our students and alumni.
With the aforementioned measures, academy assumes that it will be possible to expand the existing activities of the service point for international students, increase the integration of the international student community, as well as increase the University's visibility on the international stage.
The total budget of the project is PLN 352,450.00. The project is financed from the budget of the National Agency for Academic Exchange and will be implemented in the period 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026.
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enrolment @pja.edu.pl