Publisher PJAIT
The publishing house PJAIT was created in response to the needs of the academic community of our University and is closely linked to its dynamic development.
It publishes peer-reviewed scientific materials, monographs and academic textbooks, works on art and new media. Their topics are drawn to the following areas:
- computer science
- information management
- culture of Japan
- learning Japanese
- New Media Art
The publishing house began its activities - and this continues to be its main profile - with the publication of textbooks and scientific monographs that serve the development of high-quality professionals in the field of computer science.
These publications, are aimed at both practitioners and theoreticians, dealing with IT issues and implementing them in various fields of life and science.
The Publishing House also offers a wide range of Japanese language textbooks and publications that popularize knowledge of Japanese culture. Also noteworthy are periodicals on NeMA (New Media Arts). These publications discuss issues such as film, typography. They are prepared with the utmost editorial care at the Publishing Research Studio of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.
Books can be purchased in the online store: and stationary in the Library PJAIT ( building B, room No. 14 - first floor).
The publisher PJAIT is on the list of publishing houses publishing peer-reviewed scientific monographs announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Good publishing practices
Review process
The procedure for reviewing publications in the Publishing House of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, takes into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, developed by the Team for Ethics in Science and presented in the publication Good Practices in Review Procedures in Science (2011).
1. materials submitted for publication in the Publisher PJAIT are subject to evaluation in the review process.
(2) Review of scientific papers shall be carried out by persons competent in the field or discipline (including foreign reviewers) who do not have interests, close personal contacts and conflicts of interest withAuthor.
3 All reviews are confidential and anonymous.
4 The format of the review is descriptive.
5. publication is contingent on a positive review.
6. submission of scientific research to the Publisher PJAIT by the Author is tantamount to consent to the review process.
7 The author should consider the amendments that the Reviewer suggests.
8. reviewers are not allowed to use their knowledge of the work before it is published.
9 The process of accepting a scientific paper for publication:
9.1 Formal evaluation - is carried out by the editors of the Publishing House PJAIT. The submitted publication must meet the basic editorial requirements (linguistic correctness and form).
9.2 Preliminary substantive evaluation - is to select and refer the work to a reviewer.
9.3 Inform the Author of the publication of the result of the review with a clear conclusion whether the publication was accepted or rejected. The reviewer may also make comments, suggestions or corrections, which the Author is required to make.
10. only original publications that do not violate the copyright of third parties are accepted.
11. information about the Reviewer is public information - it is posted on the editorial page of the publication.
Publication ethics
1. taking care of good publishing practices and the integrity of scientific materials, a detailed description of the review process and other information for the transparency of the publisher's operation has been posted on the publisher's website PJAIT .
2 Every effort is made to ensure that all stages of the publishing process run smoothly and on time. As part of the publishing activity, professional editorial and technical preparation of the text in close cooperation with the author is provided.
3 We comply with the provisions of the Law on Copyright (Journal of Laws No. 24 of 23.02.1994) and oblige the authors to do so. We accept original works whose authors guarantee in the contract that the work does not infringe on the copyrights of third parties. Authors are responsible for legal quotation, use of illustrations, tables, charts, etc. from other sources. Such material requires that the source be cited and, in the case of illustrations (photographs), that written permission be obtained from the copyright owner (and delivered to the publisher). In the publishing contract, the copyright is transferred to the publisher, without whose permission the work must not be published elsewhere (in whole or in part).
4 The publisher follows the advice and recommendations of the Comittee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on educating, detecting and exposing undesirable publication practices, such as:
- redundant (duplicate, secondary) publication
- plagiarism
- fabrication of data,
- change in author list (addition or removal of author),
- ghost authorship,
- guest or courtesy authorship,
- conflict of interest.
(5) Authors are required to disclose as co-authors all those who contributed significantly to the study. Other persons involved in its creation should be indicated in a footnote or in the acknowledgments. We raise awareness of such manifestations of scientific dishonesty as improper designation of authorship:
- ghostwriting , i.e. not disclosing as co-author or not mentioning in the acknowledgments the person who made a significant contribution to the publication,
- guest auth orship, i.e. the opposite situation - when the person disclosed as author had a negligible or no contribution to the publication.
The need for openness and exhaustive identification of authorship is also associated with the requirement to indicate the sources of funding of the publication, contributions of scientific research institutions, associations or other entities.
6. We consider the features of an ethical review to be:
- competency and impartiality of the reviewer,
- objectivity and factuality,
- justification of both criticism and positive evaluation,
- timeliness,
- confidentiality and not using the content of the work before publication,
- reporting suspected copyright infringement or plagiarism.
Online store
PJAIT store is the place where you can stock up on gadgets with the University's logo and graphics to make you stand out from the crowd! Waiting for you there are pens, lanyards, bags, as well as socks, T-shirts and sweatshirts in various colors. In our store you can also stock up on Japanese must-have – chopsticks, as well as eco-friendly shopping bags!
However, the PJAIT store is not only gadgets. We also offer you a calligraphy notebook, textbooks for computer science and Japanese language, as well as various other publications from the PJAIT Publishing House, which will help you during your studies at our University.
Opening hours of the publishing house and stationary store
Monday 8.00-16.00
Tuesday 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 8.00-16.00
Thursday 8.00-16.00
Friday 8.00-16.00
Saturday 8.00-12.00
Due to inventory and store closures, book and gadget sales will be held until December 18. Planned resumption of sales - January 15.
86 Koszykowa St.
02-008 Warsaw
Building B first floor
room no. 14
tel. (+48 22) 58 44 526
Agnieszka Tomasik - head of the publishing house and library
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