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General information

The first stage of study at the Faculty of Informatics PJAIT is bachelor's degree (engineering degree), which takes place in two modes:

  1. full-time - three and a half years (studies in Polish);
  2. Part-time - three and a half years (studies in Polish).

Computer Science is the field of study with the longest tradition at PJAIT; it was the first field at the university, which was established in 1994. Faculty of Computer Science, established only in 2005, is the largest and most rapidly growing unit of the university. The dynamics of the faculty's development is evidenced by the number of students; in 1994, 90 students began their studies, and now there are 5500 students. 

Studies at the Facult of Computer Science at the Bytom Branch of PJAIT will take off in the 2023/2024 academic year. The study program is modeled on the highly rated by employers program implemented at the parent unit in Warsaw.

A peculiarity of studies at PJAIT Bytom is the implementation of the modern project-based learning (PBL) method. It involves students working independently, over a certain and predetermined period of time, to solve a problem. This triggers and teaches management, as well as creative and critical thinking, the courage to experiment aimed at an optimal and practical solution to a problem. Such skills are highly valued in the job market, especially in the era of the upcoming Industry 4.0. Topics carried out as part of PBL are initiated by the business environment cooperating with the faculty.

As part of projects from the first year of study, students learn practical software engineering methods required in professional environments,
which are sometimes neglected by theory-based degree programs. The ability to choose PBL topics strengthens the student's commitment and allows them to put the acquired theoretical knowledge into practice. Taking part in project-based learning, students practice goal-setting, breaking tasks into stages, communication and cooperation. The leading didactic elements of the implemented projects are learning programming languages, teamwork skills and discovering leadership qualities.

Get to know us better

Miroslaw Blaszczak, M.A. 

Japan is a fascinating country with a rich culture, known for its innovative technologies, breathtaking landscapes, exquisite cuisine and impressive martial arts, combining tradition and modernity at every turn.    

Miroslaw Blaszczak, M.A., a Japanese specialist in Japanese foreign policy, Polish diplomat attashé of the Polish Embassy in Tokyo and lecturer at @PJATKBytom, talks with incredible charisma about this extraordinary country and what awaits our students in classes on Japanese history and culture.

Move at least for a moment to this wonderful place....

Dr. Eng. Marek Kulbacki

We cordially invite you to watch the material about what the Branch PJAIT Bytom offers to future students!

Dr. Marek Kulbacki, a Polish engineer and entrepreneur, practitioner and lecturer, tells about our program PJAIT Bytom, PJAIT.

Founder and CEO of one of Poland's largest IT companies, who has contributed significantly to the development of the IT sector in Poland.

Feel free to share your impressions!

Faculty authorities

Dean of the Faculty

Prof. dr hab. Eng. Konrad Wojciechowski

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