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Join us for a discussion Japan - a mirror of our future? with Dr. Jakub Karpoluk (PJAIT) and Anna Wolcyrz (Tajfuny Publishing House), following the film How to be Japanese , directed by Ema Ryan Yamazaki: May 15, 6 pm, Kinoteka 1, 21st Millenium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival, Warsaw.

Japan fascinates us because we see it as a society of the future, but it is also a society of contrasts. Does it reflect what awaits Poland? We will discuss this topic in a panel hosted by ZNAK Monthly:

An episode of the podcast will also be available soon Reality Check, in which MDAG Artistic Director Karol Piekarczyk, will discuss the program of Japanese documentaries presented at MDAG, with Dr. Jakub Karpoluk (PJAIT):

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