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General information

The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology offers the opportunity to participate in online courses for people who want to gain or supplement their knowledge and skills in the latest information technology methods and technologies. Participants in the courses can take individual classes taught in the online engineering degree program without enrolling in the full degree program.

Course teaching is conducted online through the university's Edux system throughout the semester. Each week the student works through the given topic independently and completes homework assignments and tests. There is no need to log in to the Edux system on a specific date.

At the end of the course there is an exam/assessment, after passing which the student receives a certificate of completion.


Recruitment for the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year begins in January 2025 and will continue until the end of February 2025. Courses begin in March . Those interested in the course must send an application by the end of February 2025.

PJAIT also offers courses in English (in engineering studies). 

Course enrollment procedure

(1) To enroll in the course, send an application and proof of payment to

(2) Access to selected courses on the EDUX platform is provided to students the day before the start of classes.


Account to which fees should be transferred:

Bank Millennium S.A.
Ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A
02-593 Warsaw

Domestic transfers:
account number: 41 1160 2202 0000 0003 5249 4962

Foreign transfers:
PL41 1160 2202 0000 0003 5249 4962

Courses in the field of engineering studies (online mode)

Database administration

The course is devoted to database administration issues, using Microsoft's SQL Server and other popular database servers as examples. The lecture program includes learning how to install and configure databases, discusses the physical organization of data on the server's disk and server security issues; teaches how to manage files, backups, accounts and permissions; addresses issues related to importing and exporting data and optimizing performance, multi-user concurrent operation and replication.

Linear algebra and geometry

The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts of linear algebra, and in particular to teach the ability to use complex numbers, understand the Gauss Elimination method, perform operations on matrices, calculate determinants, determine the inverse matrix, determine solutions of systems of linear equations and their interpretation in matrix terms, vector combinations and linear transformations, recognizing linear space, determining coordinates in different bases, finding linear transformation matrices in bases, calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation, diagonalizing matrices, and using scalar product to determine orthogonal bases. The course will introduce connections to computer science, especially computer graphics, databases, algorithms, estimation of numbers of arithmetic operations.

Algorithms and data structures

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic set of algorithms that implement search, sorting tasks, and the most commonly used data structures: stacks, queues, dictionaries, priority queues and trees. The substantive content touches on the problems of modeling reality using graphs along with solving practical tasks included in the field, such as space search, minimal spanning trees, shortest path trees. Fundamental issues of algorithmics related to correctness analysis, correctness testing as well as cost analysis of algorithms are also presented.

Mathematical analysis

The aim of the course is to introduce the basic concepts of differential calculus in the field of real functions of one and two variables such as: limits of sequences, derivatives, partial derivatives, indeterminate and determinate integrals. Basic applications of derivatives and integrals are presented, among others, for determining extremes, counting area or volume. Relationships of differential calculus with computer science, in particular with algorithms, robotics, artificial intelligence, statistical data analysis, numerics or graphics are indicated.

Database Applications (APBD)

The course is devoted to issues related to building database applications. It discusses the process of creating an application that uses a database running locally and through Web pages using .NET as an example.

Information systems security

subject is designed to familiarize students with the basic principles and mechanisms of information systems security. Basic definitions of information systems security, principles of vulnerability testing of systems using penetration testing, its stages, methods, techniques and tools used will be discussed. Selected mechanisms used in information security systems will be presented, such as cryptographic algorithms (including digital signatures and public key infrastructure), "secure" protocols such as IPSec, PPTP, L2Tp, SSL, TLS, firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems, authentication systems (including one-time password systems and Kerberos). Basic normative documents in the field of information security will also be discussed.

Construction and integration of information systems

The purpose of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of software engineering, including the phases of software development and methods for increasing software quality. The course deals with various aspects of software engineering and is organized according to the successive phases of the software life cycle. The phases discussed are: strategic, requirements gathering, analysis, design, construction, testing, installation and maintenance. Also discussed are issues common to many phases, such as documenting project results and software products produced, software metrics, software testing software configuration management. The course also presents issues related to information systems architecture, design patterns.

Japanese history and culture

To acquaint students with the history and culture of Japan and its technical and economic development. Basic information about the language.

Business process engineering

The purpose of the BUSINESS PROCESS ENGINEERING course is to familiarize you with the problems at the intersection of business and IT, in particular the identification, documentation and modeling of business processes and the use of IT tools to support workflow processes. In the course of the course, one learns the principles of documenting business processes in BPMN notation, process modeling using Petri nets. The course participant should understand the issues of workflow systems (workflow) and be able to plan workflow systems in selected tools, as well as use leading business process modeling software and perform process simulation.

Discrete mathematics

subject "Discrete Mathematics" presents the basic concepts of mathematics such as set, relation, function in such a way that is needed in computer science subjects (such as Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures or Databases). The course also introduces students to the basics of sentence calculus and predicate calculus while learning aspects of syntax, semantics and inference in formal systems, in addition to the concepts of power and equality of sets and the concept of algebraic system, which in computer science corresponds to the concept of data structure.

Information systems modeling and analysis

The main task set for the teaching process of the Systems Modeling and Analysis subject is to equip the students with the ability to embed the conceptual model of the problem domain, the effect of the analysis phase and 2 requirements specification (discussed in the IDP subject), in a concrete implementation environment (both object-oriented and relational). Students learn how to implement constructs, necessary for embedding the model, and not existing in the chosen environment. Elements related to usability (including its testing) of graphical user interfaces are also important. Theoretical knowledge is supported by practical implementation of data structures, business logic and simple and advanced graphical user interfaces (among others, using dedicated editors). In the course of the work, one of the fundamental principles of modern software engineering is used, which is the use of existing libraries (components). Everyone is required to perform dynamic analysis and design and implementation work, based on individual user requirements. Requirements specification and static analysis should be carried out in the course of teaching the subject of Information Systems Design (IDP).

Artificial intelligence tools

The course introduces students to the basic methods and tools used in the design and implementation of intelligent systems with particular emphasis on their applications, properties and limitations. Artificial neural networks, decision trees, fuzzy systems, genetic/evolutionary algorithms are discussed.

Business planning, organization and management

The student is expected to gain knowledge of classical and modern theories in organization and management. He knows how companies can build competitive advantages in local and international markets, knows the basic problems of business management in the 21st century, and is able to identify which methods are more effective in a specific environment, the life cycle of the organization and the sector, and what are the conditions for the successful implementation of individual management methods. He learns about new areas and issues in organization and management science.

Java programming basics

Learning the basics of programming and the Java language. The course covers the basic elements of the Java language: variables, literals, operators, instructions, iterations, arrays, expressions, character strings. It also discusses the concepts of type, class and object, and the basics of object-oriented programming. It also introduces you to slightly more advanced programming practice: error handling with exceptions, file operations, as well as text analysis, sorting, searching and recursion.

Basics of computer simulations

The purpose is to familiarize with the basic methods and problems of computer simulations appearing in various areas of human activity. A very large number of phenomena and activities in the material and social spheres can and should be studied before taking specific actions after analyzing the results obtained with the help of computer simulations. A separate huge area of application of computer simulation techniques is multimedia and graphic design computer, where the need arises to represent the movement of any objects in accordance with the laws of nature (unless the conscious decisions of the authors of the simulation are different). The computer simulation itself is already the culmination of the preceding activities, i.e. the development of a model of a phenomenon or process, its transformation into a mathematical model or, as in the case of cellular automata, into a description of processes during successive iterations, and then already into the numerical process itself. The final presentation of the results obtained should allow an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon or process under study. The course is geared toward practical skills.

Legal basis of business operation

The course presents basic area information on the principles of economic activity under Polish law and Polish economic turnover. Information on basic legal concepts related to economic turnover is presented. The students are introduced to the detailed rules related to starting and running a business by natural and legal persons. The issues discussed include the legal forms in which business can be conducted (individuals, partnerships and companies) and the principles of concluding and executing contracts in business transactions.

Object-oriented programming and GUIs

subject is devoted to deepening the knowledge of object-oriented programming using Java as an example. Advanced object-oriented concepts, introduced at the beginning, are then illustrated using the example of graphical user interface programming. Students gain skills:

  • Advanced object-oriented programming using the concepts of polymorphism and interfaces,
  • The basics of concurrent programming,
  • GUI programming with a focus on event-driven programming,
  • The use of MVC architecture.
Programming in C and C++ languages

The purpose of this course is to introduce the basics of the C++ language as a modern tool for creating fast, efficient programs. Almost all aspects of the language will be discussed, with emphasis on the standard, platform-independent features of C++. Both procedural and object-oriented approaches will be described. Methods of using the standard library and elements of programming engineering will also be discussed.

Information systems design

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to objectivity in the context of its use in the analysis and design of information systems. The lecture presents three levels of the issue. First, it discusses the key concepts of the object-oriented data model, which is the core of object-oriented methodologies. Second, it presents a number of useful techniques that can assist the analyst and designer in their work. Third, it presents the popular UML object-oriented graphical modeling language. Knowledge of these three levels allows one to fully see the advantages of the object-oriented approach and how it can be used in analysis and design.

Accounting and finance of business entities

The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the specifics of economic processes occurring in the business environment. The elements of managerial accounting are designed to demonstrate the impact of various internal and external factors on the results achieved by a business. subject emphasizes the general understanding and ability to assess the impact of economic events on the assets held by business entities. In addition, subject captures issues of corporate finance and its analysis, as well as the functioning of money and capital markets in Poland. As part of the teaching, students receive knowledge of computerized accounting with particular emphasis on financial and accounting systems and their practical use.

Computer networks and network programming in Java

subject is devoted to the presentation of the principles of operation of modern data communications networks, especially IP networks, using the example of the Internet. The basic principles of switching (packets, channels and virtual channels) and multiplexing are also presented. subject introduces the layer model and, using this model, discusses the successive layers in order from the application layer to the link layer. Students learn how to design communication protocols using the example of HTTP, SMTP, FTP, DNS; methods of programming network applications using the socket mechanism; methods of ensuring reliability and controlling congestion at the transport layer using the example of the TCP protocol; principles of packet switching using the example of routing in IP networks; and multiplexing mechanisms using the example of link layer protocols, (Aloha, CSMA/CD, 802.11); principles of local network design and basic media of telecommunications networks. As part of the course, students will also learn basic mechanisms for protecting information in computer networks, including methods for ensuring confidentiality, authentication and integrity using cryptography mechanisms.

Statistical analysis of data
  • Graphical methods of presenting qualitative and quantitative data. Sample statistics. Histograms vs. probability densities, quantiles.
  • Probability, independence of events, Bayes' theorem.
  • Random variables, probability distributions and their parameters, selected probability distributions, sequences of random variables, central limit theorem.
  • Basic statistics and their properties, confidence intervals, parametric tests for means and variances of one and two populations, univariate linear regression.
Database systems

subject "Database Systems," which is a continuation of "Relational Databases," aims at mastering the student's knowledge of advanced features of the SQL language and its extensions for specific systems, the construction and administration of a database management system, and tuning issues. The second goal is to gain skills in working with data warehouse type applications with multidimensional data, object-relational databases, data integration and XML in databases.

Operating systems

The aim of the course is to present the general principles of the construction and operation of modern operating systems. The content includes, among other things, the structure of the operating system, various aspects of the management of the computer's hardware resources and processes, problems of task serialization, virtual memory management and file system implementation.

Computer techniques and architecture

The lecture is designed to familiarize students with the basics of computer science. It is about both programming concepts and the principles of operation, architecture and logical organization of computers and computer systems. The lecture is conceived in historical terms, showing the development of computer science concepts to their present form.

Internet technologies

subject is designed to introduce selected technologies used to develop web applications, applied on the client and server side. The technologies discussed are selected to show different approaches to web application development.

Distributed programming technologies

The lectures discuss modern programming techniques in distributed environments, including the creation of scalable and efficient servers, building Web applications, interaction via remote method calls and via message exchange, Enterprise Java Beans, Web Services, distributed programming using the actor model (using the Scala language as an example).

Content management systems

The purpose of the lecture series is to familiarize students with the basic issues of building online business portals. The architecture, classification, properties and basic functions of content management systems will be discussed. Then the phases of creating a business portal will be described, including feasibility study, risk management, requirements engineering and analysis. Issues related to planning the construction and maintenance of the portal and the organization of human teams will also be addressed. Subsequent lectures cover content and software configuration management and workflows. Further on, issues related to the construction of corporate portals, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) issues, SCM (Supply Chain Management) are discussed. The issues of organization and planning of e-commerce and its technical, organizational, legal and social aspects are also an important part of the lecture. The final lectures are devoted to search engines and discussion of dedicated methodologies for designing web applications.

Universal programming techniques

The course presents contemporary programming methods, including.

  • parameterized types,
  • Elements of functional programming and stream processing,
  • Advanced operations on collections and I/O operations,
  • reflection and component programming,
  • modern concurrent programming tools,
  • Localization and internationalization of applications,
  • database programming,

These concepts are discussed using examples from the Java environment.

Specialization lecture - data warehouses

The purpose of the course is primarily to familiarize students with the full cycle of data warehouse development, starting with the design and creation of a central warehouse, through ETL processes, cube construction, creation of a business analysis environment, and preparation of the required reports.

Specialization lecture - multimedia

The purpose of the lectures is to introduce the theoretical knowledge necessary for the preparation of the thesis in the Multimedia specialty. The news presented in this series of lectures supplements the knowledge of multimedia. The project lectures expand the knowledge of sound, its recording and amplification, as well as the recording and characteristics of video signals. In addition, this course includes news on audiovisual perception, television, copyright law, storyboard creation, and additionally information design and Flash.

Specialization lecture - multimedia 2

The purpose of the lectures is to broaden knowledge with a view to preparing a thesis for the Multimedia specialty. The knowledge presented in this series of lectures complements the information provided in the Multimedia lectures and the Multimedia 1 Specialization Lecture. These lectures include news on sound and static and moving image recording, audiovisual perception, copyright law, and on television. Lectures on television are designed to familiarize you with the basics of analog and digital television and a new look at digital television signals in the form of IT data, and to introduce you to the basics and use of modern television IT technology in the production of TV programs. The issues covered in the lecture concern the formatting and transfer of such signals.

Advanced computer networks

The goal is to familiarize you with modern methods of transmitting signals between computers, the variety of network technologies, methods of selecting a communication medium, and methods of rational selection of network standards.

Advanced Operating Systems

The aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge of operating systems, with particular emphasis on elements related to: process and thread management; handling inter-process communication using system mechanisms (e.g.: message queues, shared memory); handling inter-process communication using network mechanisms (sockets, RPC, MPI); streaming, distributed processing and asynchronous processing in multi-core and multi-processor systems; system software development and analysis.

IT project management

The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with modern methods of conducting projects with particular emphasis on the specifics of IT project management, to make them aware of the complexity of conducting IT projects, to familiarize them with the methods of conducting and supervising them both in terms of using practical project management tools and achieving the business objectives of the project set by the project sponsors. The classes address issues of risk management, quality, versioning, scope, team, time, cost, and familiarize students with modern project management methodologies (including PMBOK, Prince 2, MSF) and commonly used IEEE standards for conducting IT projects. The lecture is illustrated with numerous examples taken from real IT projects. Participation in the class should prepare students for effective participation in project teams and for independent management of IT projects.

Credit for online courses

Examination/assessment is held at the end of the semester during the session. Each exam lasts approximately 2 class hours.

The following courses are delivered on a full-time basis only

graphic design computer

The lecture discusses the basics of computer graphics generation with particular emphasis on real-time generation of three-dimensional graphics. The basics of the vision mechanism, ways of generating two- and three-dimensional graphics, methods of optimizing algorithms for displaying three-dimensional scenes will be discussed. Issues related to physics simulation and space partitioning in three-dimensional applications will also be addressed.


The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the basics of computer multimedia techniques. The program of the course includes getting acquainted with the most important techniques of sound and image engineering, learning the algorithms of compression and processing of multimedia data, taking into account the issues of auditory and visual perception, as well as the principles of operation and creation of multimedia applications, including editing of Web pages. In addition, during the course, participants will be introduced to various applications of multimedia techniques.

Relational databases

subject It is aimed at gaining knowledge of database issues, with particular emphasis on databases created according to the relational model of data, basic database concepts in the relational model, both at the conceptual level (entity, attribute, attribute domain, relationship, key, foreign key), and at the physical level (table, integrity constraints). Another goal is to gain the ability to use the CASE tool for data modeling, as well as to practically create correct models, operate the basics of SQL, including DML and DDL operations.

Digital systems and electronics fundamentals

The course is designed to provide practical knowledge of the basics of electronics and metrology, digital technology and microcontrollers. During the course of the course, the problems of measuring various electrical quantities with analog and digital instruments, measuring the parameters of passive and active electronic components will be presented. The most common electronic circuits the student may encounter (such as a filter, transistor key, etc.) will be discussed. Logic gates are introduced with a description of their construction and standards. In the next stage, classical methods of analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits (Karnaugh maps) are presented, and flip-flops will be discussed along with the possibility of using them in sequential circuits. A significant part will be devoted to the problems of microcontrollers and their practical use, taking into account the handling of various types of inputs and outputs (e.g. ADC, PWM, ports), event handling techniques and communication standards.

Credit for full-time courses

At the same time, we would like to inform you that a prerequisite for completing the above-mentioned courses is participation in a 5-day session at the university (6 hours a day). The session dates of the courses implemented in the summer semester are listed below:

graphic design computerized (GRK) - 3.09-7.09.2024 

Multimedia (MUL) - 2.07-6.07.2024

Relational databases (RBD) - 2.07-6.07.2024

Digital Systems and Fundamentals of Electronics (SYC) - 3.09-7.09.2024

Interested? Get in touch with us!

Contact the Admission Office to get answers to all your questions.