9 results found

Join us for a lecture by Prof. Peter C. Bishop on September 26
https://pja.edu.pl/zapraszamy-na-wyklad-prof-petera-c-bishopa-26-wrzesnia/You are cordially invited to attend a lecture by Professor Peter C. Bishop, an American futurologist and expert on future strategies. The lecture will be held on the main campus of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology at 86 Koszykowa Street, Warsaw, in Building A, Hall A1. The lecture will be held in English. Registration is mandatory. Lecture schedule: 12:00-13:30 - Lecture aimed at secondary school students 14:30-16:00 - Lecture aimed at students Peter C. Bishop is professor emeritus [...]

The long-awaited AI Summit PJAIT 2024 conference has begun!
https://pja.edu.pl/rozpoczela-sie-dlugo-wyczekiwana-konferencja-ai-summit-pjait-2024/The AI Summit PJAIT 2024 conference has been launched! The official opening of the conference is behind us, with speeches by Dr. Jerzy Paweł Nowacki, Rector of PJAIT, Ewa Krupa, Director of Culture and Development of Orange Poland and Paweł Milewski from the Board of Directors of Wirtualna Polska. An exciting day full of lectures, panel discussions and networking opportunities lies ahead! Experts from various fields will share their knowledge and experience, and topics will include the impact of artificial intelligence on such diverse areas as medicine, [...]

Lecturer publications PJAIT Gdansk
https://pja.edu.pl/publikacje-wykladowcow-pjatk-gdansk/Our academic staff is not only involved in the daily education of students, but also actively participates in the development of their fields by conducting research, as well as creating valuable scientific and artistic works. We are happy to present the latest publications by lecturers of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Gdansk. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these exceptional books. "Things" / Things" The book "Things" / Things" is a presentation of a series of photographs, which were created during the pandemic in the home [...]

From idea to reality - 3D printing in PJAIT
https://pja.edu.pl/od-pomyslu-do-rzeczywistosci-druk-3d-w-pjatk/At the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, we focus on modernity and innovation. We know how important it is to have access to the latest technologies in education. That's why our laboratories are equipped with advanced equipment that allows students to carry out challenging projects and gain practical skills. One of the key pieces of our equipment are 3D printers, available in the Printing Laboratory. Such printers really have applications in many fields, and students can find out for themselves by experimenting with modeling [...]

The final year event is behind us
https://pja.edu.pl/impreza-koncoworoczna-juz-za-nami/On Monday, July 8, a party was held on the PJAIT campus to celebrate the end of the academic year and officially kick off the holiday season. The atmosphere was amazing, and the participants had the opportunity to enjoy the many activities that were prepared. The event began with a ceremonial speech by the deans of the Faculty of New Media Arts and the opening of the students' final year exhibition, which showcased this year's best works. It featured a wide cross-section of works - from traditional painting, [...]

Exhibition of didactics of the Institute of Fine Arts, Faculty of Art, University of Warmia and Mazury
https://pja.edu.pl/41853-2/We invite you to the exhibition aOmaging, the opening of which will take place on May 27 at 16:00 at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, 86 Koszykowa Street, in the main lobby of building A. The exhibition is open from May 27 to June 14, 2024. aOmaging Composing a group presentation is a big challenge. After all, each work is a unique entity, greedily vying for the viewer's attention. The energy enshrined in works of art does not like to be divided and subordinated. Therefore [...]

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Marek Ejsmond-Slusarczyk
https://pja.edu.pl/z-glebokim-smutkiem-zawiadamiamy-o-smierci-dr-marka-ejsmonda-slusarczyka/It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Marek Ejsmond-Slusarczyk, an employee of the Department of New Media Arts at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, on April 3, 2024. The funeral Mass will be held on April 10, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Church of St. Anthony of the Bernardine Fathers, 2/4 Czerniakowska Street, followed by escort to the family grave at Czerniakowski Cemetery. Marek Ejsmond-Ślusarczyk graduated from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. He defended his diploma in Prof. Wieslaw Szamborski's easel painting studio in 2000 [...]

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Jan Jedlinski, M.Sc.
https://pja.edu.pl/z-glebokim-zalem-zawiadamiamy-o-smierci-mgr-inz-jana-jedlinskiego/It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Jan Jedlinski, M.Sc., Vice Chancellor, Administrative Director and Member of the Senate of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology, passed away on December 9, 2023. The funeral ceremony will be held on December 21, 2023 at 10:30 am in the Funeral Home (Ceremonial Hall B) at the North Cemetery, 14 Wóycickiego Street.