„I highly recommend it! Cool atmosphere, teachers are great. Some more, some of me demanding, but it all comes down to learning something (e.g. after all, that’s what the University is for). I appreciate the dispatches especially the teachers who do their best to make out with the groups, of which they have a multitude, and thus a great deal of work to check.
After getting a job as a java developer I can say that the curriculum gives a solid foundation for wok and teaches both technical skills like different programming languages but also soft skills like teamwork and time management. Overall, I would definetely recommend it.”
Sztuka Nowych Mediów
Solomiia Zdorova
„I have only positive impressions of this university. It gave me a lot of opportunities and knowledge. Thanks to the fact that most of the classes were practical, I quickly developed my skills and was able to work in my field of study from the 2nd year. Thanks to the university, I went on various study trips: a workshop in Belgium, a conference in Paris, an exhibition in Milan. There I gained new experience and had the opportunity to communicate with design professionals.
I would like to note that the university has always supported my ideas and helped me to implement them. I am very grateful for these years here and will always remember them with warmth in my heart.”
Zarządzanie informacją
Filip Jagodziński
„Jako student drugiego roku zarządzania informacją na PJATK, mogę śmiało powiedzieć, że to świetny wybór! Program jest nowoczesny i dobrze zbalansowany, łącząc teorię z praktyką. Mamy dostęp do najnowszych technologii i narzędzi, a wykładowcy to prawdziwi profesjonaliści z pasją, którzy zawsze chętnie pomagają.
Uczelnia stawia na praktyczne doświadczenie, organizując warsztaty, konferencje i spotkania z firmami, co daje nam świetne możliwości nawiązywania kontaktów zawodowych. Atmosfera jest super, studenci są zgrani i chętnie współpracują.”
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