General information
Study description
Cyber Security Management is a postgraduate degree program that responds to a strong need in both the private and public sectors for professional cyber security personnel with cross-cutting and complementary competencies.
That's why we have prepared curriculum so that their Graduate will be qualified as a cyber-security manager in a cross-cutting and very broad perspective - from legal, regulatory aspects, through technical (IT), computer forensics, threat identification to soft competencies (often crucial in information security management) such as disinformation and manipulation recognition, lie detection, communication and crisis management or elements of cyber-psychology.
Under the guidance of experts - practitioners from Poland's largest companies and institutions with years of experience in cyber security management, law, organizational information management, crisis management or business intelligence, you will gain or strengthen skills to effectively manage information security in organizations in the private and public sectors.
Opening hours
Monday 8am-5pm
Tuesday 8am-5pm
Wednesday 8am-5pm
Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-4pm
Office Centre for Postgraduate Studies
room #17
tel. (+48) 512 497 506
tel. (+48) 504 640 530
tel. (+48) 22 58 44 597
ul. Koszykowa 86
02-008 Warszawa
Centre for Postgraduate Studies
The help for candidates at PJAIT is provided stationary, by phone and by e-mail.
Documents can be delivered electronically - uploading scans to your individual recruitment account.
Information on the processing of personal data of college recruiters at the PJAIT
Head of postgraduate studies in cyber security management:
Anna Kornacka
Who are these studies aimed at?

The study is aimed at people who want to expand their range of professional competencies and gain a unique and currently highly valued specialization on the job market. We invite those interested in the practical aspects of cyber security management in the private and public sectors. After these studies, you will gain the competencies of a Cyber Security Management Manager in an organization.
Upon graduation, the graduate becomes competent as a cyber security management manager.
Graduates in this field work most often:
- In large companies in independent managerial positions; as board attorneys for cyber security, internal auditors
- In public institutions as cyber threat managers, information security specialists
- In large organizations in the private and public sectors as consultants for risk management, information security, cyber security
- as consultants and advisors and set up their own businesses.
Classes are taught by expert practitioners from Poland's largest companies and public institutions with years of experience in cyber security management, law, organizational information management, crisis management or business intelligence.
Thanks to the substantive partners of the field of study and a staff composed of lecturers-practitioners, we can provide the Listeners with the optimal balance between theory and practice. In the study program we have provided for a lot of workshop activities that allow quick practice and verification of the discussed issues.
Business is about relationships. We have planned the entire study so that students can use their time at the study not only to gain knowledge and skills, but also to form valuable business relationships. In addition, throughout the studies as well as after graduation, you will have the opportunity to maintain lively contact with the students and lecturers of all editions and stay up to date with the latest news on cyber security management in business and the public sector.
Graduates will gain the qualifications and skills of a manager in the area of cyber security management in a cross-cutting and very broad perspective - from legal, regulatory, technical (IT), computer forensics aspects to soft competencies (often crucial in information security management) such as: recognizing disinformation and manipulation, lie detection, communication and crisis management or elements of cyber psychology.

Meeting with managers of postgraduate programs
No one will tell you more about the studies offered by Centre for Postgraduate Studies than those who created them. We invite you to watch and listen to the interviews with the managers of the postgraduate and MBA programs (including the head of CKP Ms. Marta Godzisz), conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.