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Study description

The dynamic development of artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the main topics in modern business. The appearance of successive versions of ChatGPT and similar solutions is triggering waves of discussions about the applicability of these solutions and their impact on the operation of companies at the micro level, as well as on the labor market at the macro level. The ability to use artificial intelligence to support specific parts of a company's operations is becoming an increasingly important part of building a competitive advantage in business. One of the most important is the HR aspect of human capital management.

The Artificial Intelligence in Business postgraduate program is the first in Poland to fill a gap in the market and focus on the topic of using artificial intelligence to manage human capital in a company.

Opening hours

Monday 8am-5pm
Tuesday 8am-5pm
Wednesday 8am-5pm
Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-4pm


Office Centre for Postgraduate Studies
Room B 17
tel. (+48) 512 497 506
tel. (+48) 504 640 530
tel. (+48) 22 58 44 597

ul. Koszykowa 86
02-008 Warszawa

Centre for Postgraduate Studies

The help for candidates at PJAIT is provided stationary, by phone and by e-mail.

Documents can be delivered electronically - uploading scans to your individual recruitment account.

Information on the processing of personal data of college recruiters at the PJAIT

Head of the Artificial Intelligence in Business postgraduate program:
Anna Kornacka

Who are these studies aimed at?

The study is aimed at people who want to develop their professional competence and gain a unique and highly valued specialization on the labor market.

We invite those interested in career development who want to gain competencies to better manage HR work and strengthen the strategic role of resources in companies and institutions.

Future students of this direction work most often:

✓ in HR departments of large multinational companies;

✓ in HR and Personnel departments of large and medium-sized enterprises;

✓ in large organizations and institutions - human resources, HR, training;

✓ in educational institutions (universities, research centers);

✓ as consultants and advisors or set up their own businesses.

Meeting with managers of postgraduate programs

No one will tell you more about the studies offered by Centre for Postgraduate Studies than those who created them. We invite you to watch and listen to the interviews with the managers of the postgraduate and MBA programs (including the head of CKP Ms. Marta Godzisz), conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.