General information
Study description
Faculty of New Media Arts PJAIT Gdansk offers postgraduate studies in the Psychology of Games.
The creation and use of games in business and education is one of the major global trends that is developing rapidly and forcing an increasingly specialized approach to this area.
Competitive advantage is no longer determined by IT knowledge, not just by the work of engineers, but above all by talented, creative authors of ideas for the scenario, rules and logic of the game. The postgraduate program Psychology of Games responds precisely to this need in the market - for professional, specialized personnel in the area of using solutions related to gamification in business and education.
Under the guidance of experts - practitioners and scientists with many years of experience in psychology, neuroscience, law, IT, pedagogy or sociology, Students will gain unique and extremely valuable interdisciplinary competencies.
Opening hours
Monday 10am-4pm
Tuesday 10am-4pm
Wednesday 10am-4pm
Thursday 1pm-6pm
Friday 10am-4pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
tel. (+48) 516 023 661
tel. (+48) 516 621 583
tel. (+48) 516 370 742
9/11 Targ Drzewny St.
80-894 Gdansk
Recruitment at the Gdansk branch is handled by Students' Office.
Documents can be delivered electronically - uploading scans to your individual recruitment account.
Information on the processing of personal data of college recruiters at the PJAIT
Head of the postgraduate program Psychology of Games:
Anna Kornacka
Who are these studies aimed at?

The study is aimed at people who want to expand their range of professional competencies and gain a unique and currently highly valued specialization on the labor market.
We invite those interested in gaining cross-cutting, interdisciplinary competencies to work in game and application design.
Graduates in this field work most often:
✓ in game development companies
✓ in advertising and marketing agencies
✓ in graphic and design studios
✓ in film and television production
✓ in large organizations (HR departments, marketing)
✓ in educational institutions (universities, research centers)
✓ as consultants and advisors or set up their own businesses.
Upon graduation, the graduate acquires the competence necessary to create scripts and experience computer games and VR.

Meeting with managers of postgraduate programs
No one will tell you more about the studies offered by Centre for Postgraduate Studies than those who created them. We invite you to watch and listen to the interviews with the managers of the postgraduate and MBA programs (including the head of CKP Ms. Marta Godzisz), conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.