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Study description

Law in IT, or information technology law, is a branch of law dealing with the regulation of legal relations in the field of information and communication technologies. It encompasses issues of intellectual property law in the IT industry, as well as aspects of data protection, cyber security, electronic contracts and transactions, copyright law, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT). The goal of law in IT is to ensure adequate regulation in the context of rapid technological development and to avoid possible legal risks for businesses and technology users.

The postgraduate program Law in IT was created in response to the requirements in the labor market, which increasingly needs specialists with knowledge of both law and information technology. These studies were established relatively recently, within the last decade. Interest in them has been growing steadily, as information technologies are playing an increasingly important role in social and economic life, and the law governing their use is increasingly complex. Therefore, field of study this course provides graduates not only with theoretical knowledge, but also with practical skills, which are essential in the work of a lawyer dealing with IT issues.

Opening hours

Monday 8am-5pm
Tuesday 8am-5pm
Wednesday 8am-5pm
Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-4pm

Centre for Postgraduate Studies

The help for candidates at PJAIT is provided stationary, by phone and by e-mail.

Documents can be delivered electronically - uploading scans to your individual recruitment account.

Information on the processing of personal data of college recruiters at the PJAIT


Office Centre for Postgraduate Studies
room #17
tel. (+48) 512 497 506
tel. (+48) 504 640 530
tel. (+48) 22 58 44 597

ul. Koszykowa 86
02-008 Warszawa

Study leader

Piotr Mentlewicz 

Legal Counsel. He specializes in education, EU projects, rights of persons with disabilities and Law in IT. He closely follows the development of artificial intelligence (AI) applications, especially in the work of lawyers. Graduate of the PJAIT "MBA for the IT industry" postgraduate program.


Who are these studies aimed at?

The proposed field of study postgraduate program is addressed to all those interested in law and information technology and their practical application in the digitalization of management services and processes or work processes, namely:

  • legal advisors,
  • attorneys,
  • judges,
  • prosecutors,
  • patent attorneys,
  • in-house (in-house) lawyers, especially those working with the IT industry, serving technology companies, including startups
  • business managers
  • Those intending to digitize processes and services,
  • Employees of public institutions working with information technology providers,
  • Those responsible for implementing these technologies,
  • people associated with the LegalTech community,
  • Law or IT graduates who want to expand their skills and gain a comprehensive understanding of law in the context of technology,
  • People with professional experience in the legal or IT field who want to deepen their knowledge and skills

These studies can also be directed to people interested in working in IT companies, regulatory agencies, law firms and government institutions. They may also be of interest to those running their own IT and law-related businesses.

Graduates of this course most often: :

  • They take jobs in IT companies, law firms, government institutions or as independent consultants,
  • work in positions related to the protection of personal data and intellectual property, cybersecurity, contract negotiation, and consulting on technology and legal aspects of IT companies,
  • They can also continue their education by pursuing doctoral studies or specializing in their chosen field of law in IT.

Graduates of the postgraduate program Law in IT will acquire comprehensive knowledge of law and IT-related issues, which will enable them to effectively deal with challenges related to the protection of personal data and intellectual property, cyber security or electronic contracts in the IT environment. With the knowledge and skills acquired, graduates will be able to perform a variety of roles in the IT sector, including working as data protection specialists, security auditors, lawyers dealing with issues related to new technologies, as well as data analysts and IT project managers. In addition, graduates of Law in IT will be able to provide consulting services to companies operating in the IT sector and public institutions.

Meeting with managers of postgraduate programs

No one will tell you more about the studies offered by Centre for Postgraduate Studies than those who created them. We invite you to watch and listen to the interviews with the managers of the postgraduate and MBA programs (including the head of CKP Ms. Marta Godzisz), conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.