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Study description

In a world of growing threats of cyber origin, those in charge of an organization (understood as an enterprise, local government administrative unit or other independent public administration unit) must have the knowledge necessary to make the right decisions to prepare their organization for these challenges. In particular, executives and public officials who, despite their IT knowledge, do not have specialized training in Cyber Security are put in a difficult position when they have to make decisions in this area.

This study is designed to give participants the necessary knowledge to prepare them to make Cyber Security decisions, in the organizations they lead, translating the often hermetic industry language into a message tailored to the participants' knowledge and competence. The study plan calls for a general introduction of participants to CyberSecurity, presenting different categories of threats, discussing techniques and tools related to securing organizations, analyzing the legal environment and how to respond to crisis situations resulting from cyber attacks. In addition to lecture elements, the study offers exercises and workshops (including an extensive, scenario-based management game), enabling the translation of acquired knowledge into specific business situations.

Opening hours

Monday 8am-5pm
Tuesday 8am-5pm
Wednesday 8am-5pm
Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-4pm

Centre for Postgraduate Studies

The help for candidates at PJAIT is provided stationary, by phone and by e-mail.

Documents can be delivered electronically - uploading scans to your individual recruitment account.

Information on the processing of personal data of college recruiters at the PJAIT


Office Centre for Postgraduate Studies
room #17
tel. (+48) 512 497 506
tel. (+48) 504 640 530
tel. (+48) 22 58 44 597

ul. Koszykowa 86
02-008 Warszawa

Study leader

Kamil Wisniewski

since 2015 Director of the Security Consulting Department for Central and Eastern Europe at DXC Technology, previously worked for Hewlett-Packard Enterprise/Hewlett-Packard, Procter & Gamble and Mars Incorporated, among others - associated with the IT industry for almost 20 years, for more than 10 years has been involved in issues related to security in the broadest sense, including in 2008-2009 represented Poland as an expert in the work of the European Commission (DG Justice) on SIS, VIS and STESTA systems; graduate of the Faculty of Enterprise Management at Warsaw University of Technology.


Who are these studies aimed at?

The study is directed both to people without competence in the area of Cyber Security and those who already have basic knowledge in this area.
Nevertheless curriculum assumes that participants have at least basic knowledge and experience in the field of IT.

The postgraduate program is aimed at:

  • Executives with basic IT knowledge and responsible for organizations, departments or teams with different specializations (including IT and related managers)
  • Close management personnel with basic IT knowledge, including: presidents of companies, members of boards of directors and supervisory boards, managers of independent organizational units of local government and other budgetary units
  • Professionals running independent practices and having basic IT knowledge
  • Entrepreneurs with basic IT knowledge
  • Persons aspiring for the above positions and having basic IT knowledge

Graduates of this course most often: :

  • Heads of department or team
  • Heads of department, chief specialists in public administration
  • Project managers
  • Presidents or vice presidents of the Board of Directors
  • City Presidents, Mayor, Mayors
  • Directors of ZOZ, Presidents of local government companies
  • Entrepreneurs (JDG),
  • Partners in the firm,
  • Doctors in independent practice
  • Directors of the business division in a large enterprise
  • Department directors in a large public administration unit

Meeting with managers of postgraduate programs

No one will tell you more about the studies offered by Centre for Postgraduate Studies than those who created them. We invite you to watch and listen to the interviews with the managers of the postgraduate and MBA programs conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.