Recruitment for the 2024/2025 academic year has already begun!
Recruitment will last until February 28 (or until seats are filled).
Stage I. Online registration
Create an account on the entrolment portal:
You will receive an activation link, and once your account is activated, you will gain access to your profile. Fill out the forms and upload your photo. Be sure to select the postgraduate program you are applying to.

Stage II. Delivery of documents

Prepare the required documents, save them in.pdf format, upload the relevant files to the recruitment system or immediately deliver the originals to Centre for Postgraduate Studies.You can also send them by mail (registered mail) or courier.
Required Documents:
- signed application for admission to studies - the print can be downloaded from your profile in the recruitment system
- university diploma with a supplement (obtaining a bachelor's, engineer's or master's degree) - the candidate presents the original, a copy or a photocopy certified by a notary public
- digital photo of proof format uploaded on your profile in the online recruitment system generated on your application.
The candidate is required to pay the enrollment fee and provide a copy of the payment receipt. The registration fee should be paid to your individual account - visible on your own enrollment profile.
In exceptional cases, payments can be made to the University's general account:
Bank Millennium S.A.
Ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A
02-593 Warsaw
Domestic transfers:
account number: 41 1160 2202 0000 0003 5249 4962
Foreign transfers:
PL41 1160 2202 0000 0003 5249 4962
In the title, give your name, entry fee/interview, field of study
E.g. Jan Nowak, entry fee, postgraduate studies
Stage III. Graduation qualification
Full registration and submission of a complete set of documents start the qualification procedure for studies.

Phase IV. Contract

The candidate will receive the decision of the Qualification Committee electronically, to the address provided in the online registration. The decision is sent only after the required number of candidates is gathered (does not apply to online studies).
In case of failure to qualify for the studies, the registration fee will be refunded to the candidate.
After completing all the formalities, the candidate signs a Contract with the University.
Meeting with managers of postgraduate programs
No one will tell you more about the studies offered by Centre for Postgraduate Studies than those who created them. We invite you to watch and listen to the interviews with the managers of the postgraduate and MBA programs (including the head of CKP Ms. Marta Godzisz), conducted by Ms. Aleksandra Szyr.